The Persians named it after the Sikh headwear that it resembled. 波斯人认为它像锡克教头巾,因此以之为其命名。
With diverse textures and materials, this old-fashioned headwear is still trending, with French clothing retailer Dior Homme putting baseball caps on models wearing tuxedos to add a sense of casualness. 这个老式头饰面料质感和材质多样,现在依然流行。法国服装零售商迪奥•桀骜男装给身着晚礼服的男模搭配上棒球棒,使其略带一些休闲意味。
Women of the Dao tribe often wear beautiful headwear with many metal pins holding their hair. 道部落的妇女往往穿着漂亮的头饰很多金属针持有他们的头发。
From the presentation of headwear culture, we can feel the impacts of primitive religious beliefs upon Tibetans 'aesthetic tastes. 透过头饰文化的表象,我们可以窥见原始宗教信仰对其审美情趣的影响。
He heard about an amazing bird which could talk in ten languages and sing ten famous operas. Let students have the headwear and act. Invite others to make a new song by using some animals students like in the circus. 他听说有一只令人惊异的鸟能说十种语言,能唱十种著名歌剧。根据学生自己喜爱的动物来自编儿歌,并询问他人的喜好,在唱唱问问说说中轻松运用语言。
Crown: top of the head, or ( if obscured by hair or headwear), where the top of the head/ skull would be if it could be seen. 头顶:头部的最上端,或(如果受头发或头饰的影响),可见到的头部/脑壳的最上端。
Clothing accessories are not new items, its categories include accessories, packets accessories, footwear, accessories, headwear accessories, etc. 服装配件并不是新兴物品,配件的种类包含了首饰配件、包带配件、鞋类配件、帽类配件等等。
Pray for Cai Yanjie and her14 female co-workers who were hospitalized for over two weeks from chemical poisoning at a womens headwear factory in Gongzhuling. 为蔡艳杰和她14位女同事祷告。她们在公主岭一家生产妇女头饰的工厂工作,因化学中毒,住院两个多礼拜。
They supply drop-dead headwear for women. 他们为女人提供漂亮的头饰品。
Many European regiments still wore Shakos as part of their uniforms during the early stages of World War I, until the need for more protective headwear was needed. 在第一次世界大战时仍有士兵穿戴此头盔,直到需要用到更安全的钢盔为止。
The elaborate design of the apparel, even for the headwear and gloves, originates from the popular style in the USA and Europe. 衣饰的精心设计,甚至一顶帽子、一只手套都来自欧美流行时尚;
In2004, Mainland Headwear was named as one of Hong Kong's20 most outstanding enterprises in an initiative organized by the Economic Digest. 于二零零四年,飞达集团在《经济一周》举办的「香港杰出企业巡礼2004」中,获选为二十家杰出企业之一。
The hi-tech headwear uses built-in sensors to monitor brainwave activity. 这个高科技智能帽内置一个传感器,能监测脑波的活动。
We have clients from various industries such as handbags, umbrellas, shoes, headwear, toys, garments and weaving manufacturers. 我们的客户包括手袋厂、雨伞厂、鞋厂、帽厂、玩具厂、制衣厂、织带厂等不同行业。
OHP, transparencies, tape recorder, tape, sign boards and headwear. 幻灯机、灯片、录音机、磁带、标牌、头饰等。
Apply to show, different lady clothing headwear the spring, summer, autumn and winter give a customer different face. 适用于女士春夏秋冬服装展示,不同的头饰给予顾客不同的面孔。
Mongolia nationality has a long history, splendid culture, especially the headwear culture has distinguishing feature quite, still shine, has a very high aesthetic value. 蒙古民族历史悠久,文化灿烂,尤其头饰文化颇有特色,至今仍然光彩照人,具有很高的审美价值。