Even then, gold faces other headwinds. 即使那样,黄金仍然面临其他打压因素。
And as all that unwinds, particularly the leverage, gross sees some pretty strong headwinds for the market. 随着这一切徐徐展开,特别是杠杆率下降,格罗斯预计市场将遭遇强劲的逆风。
That was just one of the "headwinds" facing Pandora, he noted. 他指出这只是该公司面临的“逆风”之一。
Others, like Zynga ( ZnGa), listed with a business model that soon ran into headwinds. 而社交游戏公司Zynga等公司的商业模式很快就陷入不利境地。
Now, though, Nintendo and Sony, armed with their 3DS and Playstation vita, respectively, are facing headwinds like never before. 但如今,分别推出了3DS和PlayStationVita的任天堂和索尼正面临着前所未有的不利局面。
Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are facing headwinds like never before. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)正面临前所未有的压力。
While emerging markets will experience headwinds in a global economic slowdown, it doesn't have to be catastrophic as was the case in past downturns. 尽管在全球经济增长速度放缓的大形势下新兴市场将经历凄风苦雨,但是和之前经济衰退时所面临的困境相比,这次的情况并非生死攸关。
While the latter appeared to be flagging even before the global financial crisis hit in 2008, emerging economies actually accelerated in the decade before the crisis and only hit stronger headwinds thereafter. 后者甚至在2008年全球金融危机爆发之前就似乎开始萎靡不振,而新兴经济体在危机前的10年实际上都在加速,只是在危机后遇到了较强阻力。
We think the headwinds from the emerging market credit cycle for economic growth are likely to intensify and be a drag on growth well through this year and next. 我们认为,新兴市场信贷周期对经济增长的阻力很可能会增强,并在今明两年拖累经济增长。
But it warned several headwinds would mitigate the effect of the falling cost of crude. 不过,该行警告说,几大不利因素会抵消原油价格下跌的影响。
They added that more policy headwinds are ahead for China Mobile in the coming years. 分析师补充道,未来几年中国移动在政策上还将面临更多阻力。
These headwinds are now beginning to abate but it may be another four years before they fully subside. 目前逆风正开始减弱,但完全平息下来可能还需要4年时间。
In spite of strong headwinds, creating more Wichitas and Portlands may be essential. 尽管阻力巨大,但创建更多的威奇托和波特兰,或许成为一种必要。
These structural headwinds in turn confuse policymakers. 这些结构性阻力反过来将使政策制定者感到困惑。
Looking ahead, the expiration of tax cuts in 2011 and a government deficit reduction programme ( likely to take effect as early as 2012) will present real headwinds to growth. 展望未来,2011年减税措施到期及政府赤字削减项目(最早可能于2012年生效),将对经济增长构成实际障碍。
The headwinds have been too strong. 经济面临的逆风确实太大了。
However, we face enormous headwinds: high unemployment and low job growth; both a decline in fiscal demand and unsustainably high federal deficits; excess capacity; business uncertainty; weak consumer financial conditions; and much else. 然而,我们面临巨大的不利因素:失业率高企和就业增长缓慢;财政需求下降和不可持续的巨额联邦赤字;产能过剩;企业面临不确定性;消费者财务状况疲弱;不一而足。
But some analysts noted that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, and other officials, had since highlighted some of the headwinds still facing the US economy. 但一些分析师指出,美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)和其他官员此后强调美国经济仍面临一些困难。
So we should by no means expect the market not to face headwinds in coming sessions. 有鉴于此,我们显然不能盲目乐观,认定股市在未来的交易日当中就不会遇到顶头风。
The weak capital spending figures come as the Japanese economy faces strengthening headwinds from a downturn in the US, the negative impact of a rapidly rising yen, and surging commodities and raw materials costs. 在日本公布疲弱的资本支出数据之际,日本经济正面临日益增强的阻力,来自于美国经济低迷、日元快速升值的负面影响以及不断飙升的大宗商品及原材料价格。
Household savings rates usually soar as consumers brace themselves for recessionary headwinds. 在消费者准备应对衰退的逆境时,家庭储蓄率通常会飙升。
However, the OECD warned that there are considerable headwinds that will weigh on recovery. 不过,经合组织警告称,复苏将遭遇相当大的阻力。
Even if governments were successful in calming equity markets and unfreezing credit markets in the near future, Opec said that the fall-out on the real economy from the financial market headwinds is expected to be considerable. 欧佩克表示,即便各国政府在不久的将来成功稳定了股市并解冻了信贷市场,预计金融市场危机也将对实体经济产生重大影响。
Steep yield curves will also help banks make their way through the headwinds, Mr van Steenis says. 范斯蒂尼斯表示,陡峭的收益率曲线也帮助银行逆风前行。
Other headwinds, however, could partially counteract that effect. 不过,其它障碍可能会部分抵消这种效应。
Many leading economists would challenge this surge theory. They foresee another decade of continued headwinds and mediocre growth. 许多主要经济学家不会认同美国经济增长将大幅提速的观点,他们预计未来十年美国经济将继续迎着逆风小幅增长。
They say acquisitions in mining, oil and gas have faced greater headwinds from lower raw materials prices, rising shareholder activism, higher regulatory scrutiny and financial market turmoil. 他们表示,采矿、石油和天然气行业的收购近期面临各种逆风,包括更低的原材料价格、股东维权意识增强、更为严格的监管审查以及金融市场动荡。
We must have hit some strong headwinds. 我们一定是遇上了强劲的逆风了。