He had seen the hearses move away from the house and heard his small friends sobbing. 他亲眼看见过灵车从小朋友家里开出来,还听见小朋友哭呢。
That can mean sharing hearses, or using home-grown flowers and coffins made with cardboard ( pictured) or willow, which biodegrade easily. 这可意味着共用灵车,或使用自产鲜花以及由硬纸板(如图)或柳木制成的棺材,它们更易被生物降解。
The tattoo artist from Harold Hill, near Romford in Essex, normally customises hearses in his spare time. 这位来自埃塞克斯郡罗姆福德附近的哈罗德山的纹身艺术家,在他闲暇时光里常常定做灵车。
Hearses followed an ambulance carrying a woman who had been struck unconscious by a motorcyclist, wanting to know if she had died, the Chongqing Times reported. 据《重庆时报》报道,一名女子被一骑摩托车的人撞晕,上了救护车后竟然被两辆殡仪车尾随并打探她是不是死了。
Zhou was taken to a hospital followed by another two hearses, whose drivers asked if she had died. 后来,她终于被送到医院,却又有两辆殡仪车追来问她死了没有。