We all know that eating a greasy burger is not the most heart-healthy approach to dining. 我们都知道用餐时吃油腻腻的汉堡并不是对心脏最健康的食物。
Corn oil is probably the least healthy of the oils mentioned, with more harmful saturated fats than canola or sunflower and fewer heart-healthy compounds than soybean. 上述所提到的所有食用油中,玉米油可能是最无益的,它的有害饱和脂肪含量比菜籽油或葵花油高,而有益心脏健康的化合物含量比豆油低。
Heart-healthy fats can come from walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios and flaxseed. 胡桃、杏仁、花生、腰果和亚麻仁可以使心脏获得健康的脂肪。
Add this heart-healthy, brain-boosting kind of fat to your meals in the form of oils, nuts and seeds and avocados. 把这种促进心脏健康和大脑发育的脂肪添加到你的日常饮食中吧,比如:油、坚果、种子和牛油果。
The heart-healthy fatty acids in pine nuts boost satiety hormones that make you feel full, according to Korean researchers. 韩国科研人员发现松仁中对心脏有益的脂肪酸可以激活饱腹感激素,让你感觉很饱。
Four tablespoons a day of Hershey's unsweetened cocoa ( about 40 calories) in a variety of research test beverages also has been shown to be heart-healthy, according to the study and at least one other published trial. 根据上述研究以及另外至少一项公开发表的临床试验结果,在不同饮料样本中加入一天四汤匙的好时无糖可可粉(约40大卡)均显示出对心脏有益的功效。
This combo has a rich, nutty flavor and is packed with heart-healthy Omega-3s and protein that will keep you energized all morning! 这个组合拥有丰富的坚果风味,富含有利于心脏健康的Ω-3脂肪酸和蛋白质,给你充满活力的早晨!
Salmon: Yes, half of its calories come from fat, but it's the heart-healthy omega-3 type ( often called fish oil). 鲑鱼:是的,一半的热量来自于脂肪,但它是对心脏健康的Ω-3型(通常称为鱼油)。
Chocolate compounds called polyphenols have also been shown in research to have some heart-healthy benefits. 巧克力中富含的多酚类物质有益于心脏健康。
Fresh herbs make many other foods heart-healthy when they replace salt, fat, and cholesterol. 新鲜香草可以取代很多食物中的盐,脂肪,胆固醇,从而对心脏健康有益。
We needed a heart-healthy oil. 我们需要一种对心脏健康的油。
These are jammed with heart-healthy antioxidants that provide more than just an energy-boosting punch; as well as contributing to healthier arteries; they may also help to prevent cancer. 因为其中含有有益心脏的抗氧化剂,而不仅仅是“提神剂”,并且对人的动脉有好处,甚至可能预防癌症呢。
Where To Get It: Nuts, seeds, and avocados are rich in heart-healthy mono-and polyunsaturated fats. 从哪里获得:坚果,种子和牛油果等都含有对心脏有利的单不饱和脂肪和多不饱和脂肪。
A new Japanese study shows that women who spend a lot of time exercising or eat a heart-healthy diet appear to reach menopause earlier, Reuters reported. 日本某研究显示,花大量时间运动以及在饮食上注意心脏健康的女性的绝经期会来的比较早。
Heart-healthy almonds boast immune-boostingantioxidant vitamin E, which can reduce your chance of catching coldsand developing respiratory infections. 有益心脏的杏仁富含能够增强免疫力的抗氧化剂维他命E,而维他命E可以降低你得感冒和患呼吸道感染的几率。
Olive oil is well known as a healthful and tasty alternative to many other cooking oils, with heart-healthy and cancer preventative properties. 是非常知名的健康美味的食品,它可以取代多种烹饪用油。
Pearl barley is quick, but much of the heart-healthy fiber has been removed. 大麦粉粒用起来很方便,但是对心脏健康最有效的部分已经被除掉了。
They're chock full of vitamin E, plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. 杏仁含有维生素E,植物甾醇,纤维素,对心脏有益的脂肪。
Add a bit of avocado to a sandwich or spinach salad to up the amount of heart-healthy fats in your diet. 在你的三明治或者菠菜沙拉中加一点鳄梨可以增加你食谱中对心脏有好处的脂肪酸。
Not only do trans fats raise "bad" LDL cholesterol, as saturated fat does, but they also lower heart-healthy HDL cholesterol. 反式脂肪不但象饱和脂肪一样,使有害的低密度脂蛋白浓度升高,而且它还会使有利于心脏的高密度脂蛋白浓度降低。
Pistachios are known to provide a heart-healthy benefit by producing a cholesterol-lowering effect and providing the antioxidants that are typically found in food products of plant origin. 开心果能降低胆固醇,并可提供一些植物源性食物中常见的抗氧化物质,因此人们都知道开心果有益于心脏健康。
You gain all the heart-healthy minerals, fiber, and polyunsaturated fats of soy& and you avoid a load of artery-clogging saturated fat. 食用豆腐,你可以获得所有对心脏有益的矿物质,纤维素,大豆不饱和脂肪,避免你摄入使动脉阻塞符合的动物脂肪。
Cocoa contains flavanols, plant-based compounds that also are credited with giving red wine its heart-healthy benefits. 可可含有黄烷醇化合物,以植物为主的化合物,这种化合物同样是红酒能给人们的心脏健康带来益处的原因。
Confusing "heart-healthy fat" or "fat free" with low calorie. 以为“利于心脏的脂肪”和“无脂肪”就等同于低热量。