Heartening reports of victories are pouring in. 可喜的胜利消息不断传来。
At a news briefing, State Department Deputy Spokesman Gordon Duguid said it is heartening that Burn's remarks in Moscow were seemingly well-received. 美国国务院副发言人戈登.杜吉德在新闻发布会上说,伯恩斯在莫斯科的这番话似乎受到欢迎,令人鼓舞。
State tourism minister Kaukab Hamid described the ruling as "heartening". 国家旅游部长考卡布·哈米德称这一决定是“令人振奋的”。
It's heartening to see how fluidly Groovy closures and the curry method can be applied to numerous programming scenarios, and to both functional and object-oriented patterns. 看到Groovy闭包和curry方法能够如此流畅地应用于众多编程场景、函数模式和面向对象模式,真是激动人心。
The Sierra Club called his comments heartening. 塞拉俱乐部称其言论令人振奋。
Indeed, despite their errors, this attitude bodes well for the future, and is a heartening sign of a focus on human prosperity. 他们的确有谬误,但他们的态度预示着一个更好的未来,他们对人类繁荣前景的关心也是一个鼓舞人心的标志。
While it is heartening to be able to alleviate interpersonal troubles by talking it out, sometimes listening alone does the trick. 倾诉能缓解人际关系的烦恼,这听起来令人振奋,但有时候仅仅倾听就能获得成功。
There are already heartening signs of a great regeneration in states like Texas and North Dakota. 在得克萨斯州和北达科他州等地,已经出现了政府机构显著革新的喜人迹象。
Orphanage staff had told the Stricklands that Bella was very strong-willed – perhaps heartening for an adoptive parent to hear, since strong will may be just what got her through that night in the alleyway, and the many illnesses of her infanthood. 孤儿院员工告诉斯特里克兰夫妇,贝拉意志非常刚强,或许这在养父母听来会为之一振,因为也许她就是凭借刚强的意志才挺过了弄堂里的那一夜,以及她幼年时的许多疾病。
More and more, banks are losing talent to Teach for America, a fact that may turn out to be one of the most heartening consequences of the financial crisis. 在美国,越来越多的人才离开银行业投身教育,这可能是经济危机带来的最令人欣慰的影响之一。
But what makes The Zero Marginal Cost Society worth reading is its audacity, its willingness to weave a vast string of developments into a heartening narrative of what our economic future may hold for the generations to come. 但《零边际成本社会》想法大胆,而且乐于把各种各样的科技进步组织成一种令人振奋的声音来描述未来几代人的经济前景,这一点成就了它的可读性。
But as for the squads of trade lawyers on WTO manoeuvres, a heartening amount of the litigation has actually been aimed at preventing arbitrary trade restrictions in the future. 但对于那些常打wto贸易官司的律师而言,令人鼓舞的是,很多诉讼实际上旨在阻止未来再出现随意实施贸易限制的做法。
For the infant nation, victory in the war and for the republican principle came as a heartening overture. 对于刚刚出生的国家而言,战争与共和原则的胜利,是使人鼓舞的开端。
As I write about the heartening results of Kenny's pilot, Della has just taken the call telling her there are flowers waiting for her in reception. 刚写到肯尼的试点活动取得令人振奋的收效,就听到黛乐接听电话,是要她去前台领鲜花的电话。
THE news from India 's2011 census is almost all heartening. 印度2011年人口普查结果出炉,几乎各项指标都令人满意。
The response, she said, had been more than heartening. 她表示,反响非常振奋人心。
It's about what you say and what you mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. 它是关于你所说的及其用意,也许使人痛苦、也许振奋人心。
China-EU trade and economic cooperation has yielded heartening fruits. 中欧经济贸易合作取得了可喜的成果。
The sun lost its heartening power and the sky became grey and somber. 太阳失去了它鼓舞人心的力量,天空变成铅灰色,阴沉沉的。
That was before the Arab spring& which, heartening as it was to believers in freedom, prompted many Asian regimes, from Iran to Uzbekistan to China, to intensify repression and curb the media. 此后的阿拉伯之春发起的一系列行动在自由派看来多少鼓舞人心,带动了许多亚洲国家,如伊朗,乌兹别克斯坦,乃至中国等国家的自由行动,但紧随其后的是更加严格的政治压抑和媒体控制。
Mr Li did cite what he said were heartening figures the relatively slow rates of investment on the coast, compared with the larger amounts spent inland, in the poorer provinces China is trying to develop. 李晓超援引了他称为令人宽慰的数字即沿海地区的投资增长相对放缓,而相比之下,中国着力发展的较贫困内陆省份的投资规模有所增加。
For anyone who knows Japan, who has seen its workers on the factory floor or its craftsmen at their meticulous business, these are heartening stories. 日本的工人们已回到工厂上班,工匠们也重新开始了他们一丝不苟的工作。对任何了解日本的人而言,这一切都是令人振奋的事情。
The most heartening thing for us has been the reaction of the children. 最令我们感到振奋的是孩子们的反应。
It was very heartening to hear that they liked our work. 听说他们喜欢我们的工作这真是令人鼓舞。
It is, moreover, clear that they are having a demoralizing effect on the whole enemy army and all Japan and a heartening effect on our whole army and people. 至其给予整个敌军敌国以精神上的不利影响,给予整个我军和人民以精神上的良好影响,也是显而易见的。
Wherever his eyes looked, he saw broad and heartening things. 举目所见,一切都是那样地广阔,那样地振奋人心。
I think it is heartening to see what is happening in the US. 我认为,美国正在发生的变化对我们是一种鼓舞。
Then, even though you were to lose all you have overnight, you would be sure of heartening support from bona friends. 就算在一夜之间变得一无所有,你也会有真诚的朋友在旁扶持。
It was not a heartening spectacle. 这是一片叫人看了发愁的景象。
As the first major White House decision on trade, therefore, the levying of new tariffs on imports of Chinese tyres is not particularly heartening. 因此,作为白宫在贸易方面做出的首项重大决定,对从中国进口的轮胎征收新关税之举,并不特别鼓舞人心。