Fans of Batman and all things utterly heartwarming are encouraged to watch and thank Batboy in action, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation has listed the times and locations at which Miles can be spotted in his acts of fearlessness. 愿望成真基金会鼓励所有喜爱蝙蝠侠,和其他任何一位超级英雄的粉丝都来观看和感谢蝙蝠小侠的英雄行为。该基金会已经列出了蝙蝠小侠展开无畏的英雄行径的时间和地点。
In the heartwarming video, the twins are seen sleeping in their mother's protective embrace when one begins to stir and stretch its forelegs. 在这段温暖人心的视频里,双胞胎宝宝在妈妈的怀抱里睡着,其中一只宝宝则开始动了动,并伸直了它的前腿。
After ten years of coffee-house meetings, on-and-off romances, and memories both hilarious and heartwarming, the series wrapped up with fans feeling a sense of closure. 经过了十年的咖啡屋会议,时有时无的情感纠葛,和闹腾又温馨的回忆,老友记的粉丝们终于迎来了曲终人散。
Still, all this generosity and mutual assistance is truly heartwarming. 不过,这种慷慨和互助的确很暖心。
We sensed there was a good story behind this alter-ego ballerina, but we didn't expect it would be this heartwarming. 我们猜到这位改变自我的芭蕾舞者背后一定有一个精彩的故事,但我们没想到这个故事是如此感人至深。
It may sound like the latest trend in showy barista techniques, but a suspended coffee is much more heartwarming than a snazzy latte. 待用咖啡光听名字,像是时下最流行的花哨咖啡技艺,但其实一杯待用咖啡比一杯拉花漂亮的拿铁要温暖得多。
Some of them are almost grown now, and I hope they will keep the tradition going for their own kids as a heartwarming bonding experience. 现在,有些孩子已经长大了,我希望他们保留做姜饼的传统,将来和他们自己的孩子一起做这项亲子活动。
But among big-budget sci-fi blockbusters, DreamWorks 'new animation How to Train Your Dragon 2, an elaborate film with a heartwarming story, is one of my favorites. 但是,这些高成本的科幻大片中,梦工厂新作《驯龙高手2》却以其精良的制作和暖人的故事成为我的最爱。
Content abstract: beatrice's goat is a heartwarming reminder that families, wherever they live, can change their lives for the better. 内容简介:比阿特丽斯的山羊这本书让我们相信,一个家庭,不论在什么地方,都会有机会改变它的生活状况。
So this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion, eh? 这就是俗话说的,“感人肺腑的一家团圆”吗?
The best spoken insults, internationally, also tend to be uniformly sex-based, although there does seem to be a heartwarming diversity therein. 国际上最流行的辱骂也无一例外都与性有关,尽管这方面的差别似乎非常大。
So life, to me is simple, in order to archive what one has always dreamed about, never give up hope of that dream, even that dream is ostentatiously delicious and heartwarming. 所以生活,对我来说很简单,为了档案的事一直梦想,永不放弃希望的那个梦想,那个梦想是招摇美味暖暖的。
This was an incredible heartwarming and heart-breaking movie. 这是一部异常温暖又令人心碎的电影。
This heartwarming photograph, of an eight-day-old baby nestling in for a sleep with four five-week-old puppies, was five hours in the making. 这张温馨的照片是一个八天大的婴儿与四只五周大的小狗一起睡觉的照片,拍摄共花了五个小时。
It was very heartwarming to see how many people had offered to help. 看着那么多人主动伸出援助之手真是令人感动。
It might almost seem a heartwarming tale. 这似乎算得上是个温暖人心的故事。
Is there a sight more heartwarming than a family reunion? 还有比家人团聚更感人的场面吗?
The theory may be heartwarming and we can all point to our own pet examples of 12-year-old girls or boys such as Derek to make it feel true. 这一理论可能很鼓舞人心,而我们都能举出自己身边像德里克那样的12岁女孩或男孩的特别例子,让这一理论听上去相当正确。
Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience. 基于体验营销的B2C网络购物网站浅析为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。
Two recent studies suggest surprising but heartwarming keys to a longer life. 两项最新研究提出两个出人意外而又暖人心房的长寿关键。
During the time of economic depression, is there a heartwarming but refreshing book on your booklist? 在经济萧条的寒冬时代,你的书单里有没有一本“牛奶咖啡书”?
It's really heartwarming to see such generosity. 看到这样慷慨大方的行为真令人感动。
That's a heartwarming tale. 真是个感人的故事。
This is a Valentine from a secret admirer. Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience. 这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。
As stories go, the film is undoubtedly heartwarming; it features a quadriplegic who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a black immigrant in Paris. 就情节而言,这部电影无疑暖人心房;本片讲述的是巴黎一名四肢瘫痪者与一名黑人移民建立起似乎不可能的友谊。
Have a heartwarming holiday! Warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas! 愿你度过一个温馨的假日!真诚的祝愿你圣诞快乐!
I'd call it a heartwarming piece of journalism. 我把它叫做新闻报刊的感人篇章。
The language employed was almost heartwarming. 双方所用的措辞几乎可谓温暖人心。
The Pictures, which has been invited to this year's Wide Angle section of the festival, is a heartwarming film. 这部感人的电影《图片》已经邀请到今年的广角艺术节。