
英 [hiːvz] 美 [hiːvz]

v.  (用力)举起,拖,拉,抛; (强烈而有节奏地)起伏; (常指吃力地)缓慢发出(声音)


    The forms heaves, heaving, heaved are used for meanings 1 to 4, and for the phrasal verb. The forms heaves, heaving, hove are used for meaning 5. 变化形式 heaves、heaving 和 heaved 用于义项1至4及短语动词。变化形式heaves、heaving 和 hove 用于义项5。

  1. VERB (用力地)推,拉,拖,举起
    If you heave something heavy or difficult to move somewhere, you push, pull, or lift it using a lot of effort.
    1. It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place...
    2. He heaved Barney to his feet...
    3. He heaved himself up off his stool.
    4. Heave is also a noun.
    5. It took only one heave to hurl him into the river.
  2. VERB (有节奏地)起伏
    If something heaves, it moves up and down with large regular movements.
    1. His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath.
    2. ...the grey, heaving seas.
  3. VERB 呕吐;恶心
    If you heave, or if your stomach heaves, you vomit or feel sick.
    1. He gasped and heaved and vomited again...
    2. My stomach heaved and I felt sick.
  4. VERB 深叹,长舒(一口气)
    If you heave a sigh, you give a big sigh.
    1. Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet.
  5. VERB 人头攒动;挤满(人)
    If a place is heaving or if it is heaving with people, it is full of people.
    1. The Happy Bunny club was heaving...
    2. Father Auberon's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men.
  6. PHRASE 出现;进入视野
    When something heaves into view or heaves into sight, it appears.
    1. The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage.
  7. to heave a sigh of relief → see: sigh


  1. The ship heaves under the dreadful weight, and struggles to escape through the foaming waters.
  2. Heaves is difficult to cure.
  3. Thinking of his declining family, he heaves a deep sigh over the fleetness of fate.
  4. The sight of the dead body gave me the dry heaves.
  5. His chest heaves with every breath.
  6. He felt that he is very incompetent, is also very useless, heaves a sigh.
  7. His broad chest heaves with pleasure.
  8. She gazed silently, and seemed to be borne upward like a floating sea-bird on the long heaves and swells of sound.
  9. He'll bark orders at the kids to clear out of the way as he heaves bags and flings mulch for the rest of day, lording over the yard like a general.
  10. As engineers get to work boosting the performance of your electronic mind so you can now think as a god, a nurse heaves your fleshy brain into a bag of medical waste.
  11. When the volume of ice is larger than its expansion in the loess free space, the volume of loess increases a little; and the density and cohesion decrease because the water in loess frost heaves.
  12. The world heaves with my torment. It's wretched kingdoms quake beneath my rage.
  13. Experimental study of characteristics of frost and salt heaves of saline highway foundation soils in seasonally frozen regions in Gansu Province Freeze-Thaw and Freeze-Heaving Experiment and Foundation Countermeasure Research of the China Zhongshan Station in the South Pole
  14. For titled stratum, the floor heaves are generally of slope shape with the bigger heaves on the rise side and the smaller on the dip side.
  15. Studies on heaves in horses in Gansu Province-farmer's lung model in rabbits and guinea-pigs
  16. Contact Analysis of Steam Turbine Blades With Fin Heaves
  17. This article discusses the use of surging dirty-night light-reflective road mark coatings, the influencing factors on the forming effect of heaves of film and the forming mechanism of heaves.
  18. Morphological Changes and Pathogenesis of the Heaves in Horses in Gansu Province
  19. Pathological study on heaves in horses in Gansu Province
  20. The compound support consisting of side and bottom bolting and bottom-hole destress blasting in the rise side floor of roadway can efficiently control the floor heaves of roadway so as to stabilize its surrounding rock.
  21. The authors concluded that "Heaves" in Gansu province might be a mixed pneumoconiosis caused by inspiration of inorganic compounds and organic dust in environment.
  22. The large extrusion effect in pile-sinking drives the soil in pile area heaves and moves horizontally, and the pile body lift, deviate, break off.
  23. Based on micro tectonics study, it has been proved that the distribution of remaining oil exist in several heaves, such as little oil block with high focus, small convex, and little heave of nose formation.
  24. Preventing tunnel floor and sidewall heaves via topology optimization
  25. The criteria and sensitivity to prevent floor or sidewall heaves are established, and the optimal support topology of tunnel in homogeneous rock with different situ stresses and with the same reinforcement material are sought for minimum floor or sidewall heaves.
  26. The suggested method not only can calculate the final heaves at varying depth in EPS foundation, but also can predict the heaves 'changes over time.



  1. a chronic emphysema of the horse that causes difficult expiration and heaving of the flanks

      Synonym:    broken wind