It looks like Goldman is paying heftier bonuses again as well. 目前来看,高盛将再一次支付高额奖金。
Would-be buyers are finding it hard to raise finance, because banks are worried that prices will fall and are demanding heftier deposits. 潜在购房者发现很难筹集资金,因为担心房价会下跌,银行开始要求更多的存款。
Although for credit cards the rate is higher, at 7 to 9 per cent, companies charge heftier interest rates to offset the increased risk of default. 尽管信用卡的拖欠率要高一点,在7%到9%之间,但公司可以收取更高的利息以抵消日渐增加的违约风险。
The rockets-there would be two, a small version for people and a heftier one for cargo-would eclipse the18-story space shuttle. 新型运载火箭分为两种不同的类型,体积较小的载人火箭和较笨重的货运火箭。和它们相比,18层楼高的航天飞机都相形见绌。
Top salary earners will in future face a much heftier tax bill. 高薪阶层今后将面临更加重的税收。
In comparison, clearly, the North American version is distinct from the worldwide model, being both larger and heftier. 相比之下,很显然,北美版是不同的全球模式,既是更大,失约退。