In-calf heifers are admirable for this work. 怀小牛的小母牛最适合这项工作。
Analysis of nonreturn results of heifers using linear methods and Bayesian methods 用线性方法和贝叶斯方法对奶牛受胎能力的分析研究
Are You Capturing Maximum Value From Your Heifers? 您是否从青年牛获得最大收益呢?
Enhancing Embryo Yield in Superovulated Holstein Heifers by Immunization Against Inhibin 主动免疫抑制素提高奶牛超数排卵胚胎产量的研究
The best beef is obtained from steers and heifers ( female cows that have not calved). 最好的牛肉来自食用牛和小母牛。
Effects of CP/ DE Ratios on Growth Performance and Nutrients Digestion in Different Physiological Stages of Heifers 蛋白能量比对不同生理阶段后备奶牛生长发育和营养物质消化的影响
He continues to tend some heifers, waiting for those young females to mature to milk cows. 他继续照料一些小牛,等待着那些年轻的母牛成长为奶牛。
Effects of Copper lysine on Serum Reproductive Hormone Level during Estrous Cycle in Simmental Heifers 赖氨酸铜对西门塔尔牛发情周期生殖激素分泌的影响
The period of replacement heifers is the key stage of dairy raising. 后备牛时期是奶牛养殖的关键阶段。
A popular housing design for cows and heifers alike includes sand bedding. 沙垫床是泌乳母牛和青年母牛等常用的垫料之一。
This bed is the fairy cave under Peniston Crag, and you are gathering elf-bolts to hurt our heifers; 这张床是盘尼斯吞岩底下的仙洞,你正在收集小鬼用的石镞来伤害我们的小牝牛;
The copepods abundance impact on the abundance distribution of fish eggs, larvae. Enhancing Embryo Yield in Superovulated Holstein Heifers by Immunization Against Inhibin 长江径流量变动对鱼卵仔鱼数量和分布产生一定的影响。主动免疫抑制素提高奶牛超数排卵胚胎产量的研究
STUDIES ON ARTIFICIAL INDUCTION OF LACTATION TO HEIFERS AND COWS Milk yield between heifer and cows was not significant difference, but the seasons were significant difference to the artificial induction of lactation. 青年母牛与经产母牛在诱导效果方面差异不显著,而季节对诱导效果有明显影响,这可能由于环境条件不同而引起的催乳素释放差异。人工诱导乳汁所含营养与常奶相似。
Effect of Monesin on Growth Performance in Dairy Heifers 莫能霉素对后备生长奶牛生产性能的影响
The follicular waves of postpartum heifers is made of 3~ 4 waves in the first estrous cycle. 产后母牛在第一发情周期中,卵巢卵泡的生长发育以3或4卵泡发育波为主。
These heifers had been conceived from 30 to 116 days ( averaging 66 days), and the pregnancy rate was 100 percent. 泌乳开始后分别在30~116天内怀孕(平均66天),受胎率100%;
A good feeding effect was obtained when the inoculated dairy heifers with Weizhou DHP-degrading bacteria were fed with Leucaena Leucocephala. 用涠洲DHP-降解细菌脱毒银合欢枝叶饲养乳牛取得了良好的饲养效果。
A Study of Ovum Pick up on Dairy Heifers 青年奶牛活体取卵技术的研究
Development; Studies on the Ovarian Follicular Waves in Estrous Cycle of Heifers 青年母牛在发情周期中卵泡发育波变化规律的研究
Available embryo rate of yellow cattle and heifers were higher than that of dairy cattle and multipara cows respectively ( p < 0.01); 黄牛胚胎可用率高于奶牛(p<0.01);
The feeding effects of corn silage and corn stalk silage to replacement heifers 带穗玉米青贮与玉米秸秆青贮饲养育成奶牛的试验
Monitored continuously and analysised statistically the incidence of the two batches of heifers for 30d after arrival. 在运达后对这两批牛的发病情况持续监察30d并对其进行统计分析。
These heifers was transported to Henan Suiping after adjustment for one month. 暂时经一个月饲养调整后运至河南遂平。
The first batch of 69 heifers which the average weight was about 190 kg was transported by the double layer car. The second batch of 39 heifers which the average weight was about 200 kg was transported by the single layer car. 第一批牛共69头,平均体重约为190kg,使用双层车进行运输;第二批牛共39头,平均体重约为200kg,使用单层车进行运输。