祖传遗物;传家宝 An heirloom is an ornament or other object that has belonged to a family for a very long time and that has been handed down from one generation to another.
He left them as sacred heirlooms to his children. 他把它们作为神圣的传家宝留给了孩子们。
His description of the layout of the Imperial Palace was so detailed that it was as if he were enumerating the heirlooms of his own family. 他对故宫设计讲解甚详,如数家珍。
What do they want to do with the heirlooms? 家里的传家宝要怎么处理?
They become, I believe, heirlooms, strictly speaking, according to the terms of your godmother's will. 严格说来,根据你教母的遗嘱的条款,我相信这些珠宝已经变成了传家宝物。
Ms. Sheffield and her staff have noticed that women want jewelry that is beautiful and valuable, and that they can wear everyday, not the heirlooms inherited from mothers and grandmothers. 谢菲尔德与她的同行们都已注意到,女人们都想要既美丽又珍贵、还可以每天佩戴的珠宝首饰,而非从母亲或祖母那里继承来的遗珍。
Photos are the most cherished heirlooms, and with digital photography, you've got a billion chances to get the most amazing shot. 照片是最值得珍藏的宝贝,而且有了数码摄影技术,你可以进行无数次尝试来获取一张最惊艳的照片。
They desire to create heirlooms through the photographs for generations of storytelling. 他们渴望通过照片创造可以代代相传的传家之宝。
These were handed down reverently from one generation to the next and treasured as family heirlooms. 这些家谱和宗谱一代接一代地传下去,成为一个家族的传家宝。
And likewise a table in the same taste; the whole being of the Elizabethan age, or perhaps earlier, and heirlooms, transferred hither from the Governor's paternal home. 还有一张与椅子配套的桌子,以及一整套伊丽莎白时代的全部设备,说不定还是从更早的年代祖传下来的,由总督从故土运到了这里。
She has gotten jewels and other family heirlooms. 她得到了首饰以及其它祖传遗物。
For centuries, the wealthy and powerful hid their greatest treasures around them, trusting none but themselves to keep money, heirlooms and works of art safe in secret spaces around the house. 在好几百年的时间里,有钱有势者都要把他们最贵重的财宝藏在自己身边,他们不信任任何人,而要亲自把金钱、传家宝和艺术品保险箱保存在住宅中的秘密地方。
These games are very much part of the fabric of U.S.life, a vehicle for the transmission of values and heirlooms passed down through the generations. 这些运动在很大程度上是美国生活的一部分,承载价值观,世代相传。
It is a large upstairs apartment, nabokovian you could say, with few items, some portable heirlooms 这是一间巨大的二层公寓,你可以感觉到纳博科夫的风格,东西很少,只有几件可随身携带的家传信物
Friends have also revealed that Kate plans to wear diamond-and-pearl earrings on the day, although it is not known if they are new or family heirlooms. 凯特的朋友还透露,凯特打算当天戴上“钻石和珍珠”镶嵌的耳环,目前还不得而知这对耳环是属于“新的”还是“旧的”饰品。
The ideological and political work and its education are heirlooms of the Communist Party of China. 思想政治工作及其教育是我们党的传家宝。