Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire. 但愿罪人都被罚受永久的地狱之火。
We invoke Almighty Allah to enable us to reap the fruits of the blessed month, accept our acts of worship, and grant us forgiveness and immunity against the punishment of Hellfire. 我们祈求全能的安拉让我们能够获得尊贵斋月的果实,接受我们的功修,宽恕我们,免除我们火狱的惩罚。
Those condemned will burn in hellfire, and those who are saved will enjoy the abiding pleasures of paradise. 那些被谴责者会受到地狱之火燃烧,得救的会在天堂享受持久的欢乐。
The new air force armed predator can carry up to eight Hellfire missiles, as well as2000-pound precision bombs and even miniature bombs now under development. 空军正在研制最新的“捕食者”无人机,最多能携带8枚“狱火”导弹,还能装载2000磅精确制导炸弹以及正在研制的微型炸弹。
Save your Hearthstone in Honor Hold in Hellfire and then ask a Mage to portal you back to a main city ( Don't be a tight ass and forget to tip them), then Hearthstone back to Outlands. 把你的炉石放在荣誉堡,然后喊一个法师帮你开一个回主城的门(别忘了谢谢他们),然后搬完儿了你的事情之后炉石回外域。
What do I do after Hellfire Peninsula? 离开了地狱火半岛之后我要做什么?
For example, one might see hellfire or demons if one is destined to be born in hell, but celestial beings or mansions if one is to pass on to celestial realms. 例如,一个注定要生于地狱的人可能看到地狱之火或妖魔鬼怪,而一个要生于天界的人则可能看到天人或天宫。
You will die in burning hellfire. 你会在燃烧着的地狱之火中死去。
On the other hand, it should be clear that judging people of either going to Paradise or Hellfire is in the hands of Allah alone Who is Just in His Judgment and the Most Merciful to His servants. 另一方面,我们应该清楚一个人进天堂还是下火狱,只由伟大的安拉决定,安拉对他的仆人是最公正、最仁慈的。
Upon seeing the green box of death, you can almost be sure that a bomb will swiftly be placed upon the target, or a Hellfire Missile will soon be ripping through the air. 一旦看到绿色的死亡之框,你几乎可以肯定一枚航弹将迅速的被投掷到目标之上,或者一枚地狱火导弹将很快的呼啸而至。
You're getting the last little hellfire and brimstone sermon at the end. 在训诫的最后,又出现了地狱火。
"Hellfire and Herring" is a masterly work that enlivens the past with beauty and emotion, yet never sags into soft-focus sentimentality. 《地狱之火与鲱鱼》,这部出色的作品以优美的叙述和丰富的情感再现了过去的时光,同时又不流于那些矫揉造作的多愁感伤。
And there is the dread of the unknown, above all, the awful fear of hellfire. 而且还有对未知的恐惧;尤其是对于炼狱的惧怕。
Certainly Hellfire is not a place one would choose to go even for just few moments! 话说回来,没有一个人愿意进入火狱哪怕是一分钟!
"May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity," the priest flared. “愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。
Before any of the Hellfire missiles are launched, he said, the backup team asks for the "the bug splat" of the attack& a readout of the impact the missile would have on its ground target. 他说到,在任何“地狱火”导弹发射之前,后援小组攻击后果&导弹击中目标时影响资料。
Hellfire upgrade module description: retrofits the predator mq-3with additional missile racks and onboard systems. 地狱火升级部件描述:更新mq-3掠夺者以获得额外的导弹伤害和自带系统升级。
It was partly rooted in religion and the looming threat of Hellfire. It was also a product of patriarchal attitudes that saw women as the property of fathers or husbands. 这种观念部分根植于宗教,人们恐遭业火焚身;部分来自于父权社会对妇女的态度,她们是父亲和丈夫的财物。
Love that binds two hearts together, come hellfire and brimstone. 爱让两颗心结合,冒出熊熊烈火。
And the goal is to fly each one with the same fervor as one that results in a Hellfire shot, he said. 因为每个目标都是用“地狱火”导弹来摧毁,所以每一次任务我们都带着极大的热情去执行的,他说。
Hellfire Blast is a great spell for the early laning phase and a few levels of Attribute Bonus can give you stat points for additional stuns. 冥火爆击是一个早期强大的线上技能,一些属性附加可以让你有更多的属性来造成更多的晕眩。
Hellfire reduced the creep level on the two middle red creep camps. 降低两个红色怪物点的怪物等级。