Hemmings is enjoying a newfound popularity as a character actor in the movies. 作为电影界的一名性格演员,亨明斯最近开始走红。
Behavioural Psychologist Jo Hemmings, author of How To Have Great Sex, explains why men are so preoccupied with their stomachs. 行为心理学家乔·赫敏斯解释了为何男性会被“肚子牵着走”。
Jo Hemmings, a British behavioral psychologist said women responded best to compliments about their lips because it` s a bold approach that seems more personal. 英国行为心理学家乔亨明斯说,女人最喜欢对她们嘴唇的赞美作出回应是因为这种大胆的赞美,似乎更个人化。
Jo Hemmings, behavioural psychologist says: After reaching the milestone of a year and half, bigger decisions start to loom for couples such as should they move in together and is this the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. 行为学家乔赫敏说:一年半是一个里程碑,很多情侣会在这个时间点决定是否同居、或者,这个人是不是就是我要一起度过一生的人?
In1971, Daly bought out Hemmings's interest in the company and moved it into films and stage productions. 1971年,达利买下了海明斯在公司的股份并转做电影和舞台作品。