N-COUNT (与大多数人观点不合的)异端分子 A heretic is someone whose beliefs or actions are considered wrong by most people, because they disagree with beliefs that are generally accepted.
He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas. 他被视为异端分子,并且因为自己的观点遭到取笑和排斥。
N-COUNT (与所属宗教之教义严重不合的)异教徒;离经叛道者 A heretic is a person who belongs to a particular religion, but whose beliefs or actions seriously disagree with the principles of that religion.
Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake. 几千名异教徒被烧死在火刑柱上。
He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas. 他被视为异端分子,并且因为自己的观点遭到取笑和排斥。
Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake. 几千名异教徒被烧死在火刑柱上。
The heretic, the enemy of society, will always be there, so that he can be defeated and humiliated over again. 异端分子、社会公敌永远在那里,可以一而再再而三地打败他们,羞辱他们。
Just hanging a heretic and casanova. 只是要绞死一个异端和卡萨诺瓦。
The heretic met with severe persecution. Copernicus was terribly persecuted for his scientific theory. 那个异教徒遭到残酷迫害。哥白尼由于其科学理论而遭到严重的迫害。
Arius: greek Christian theologian and founder of arianism, a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic. 阿里乌斯:希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。他的教义致使他被定罪为异端。
My mother was a heretic. 我妈妈是个异教徒。
They are denounced as heretic and burnt at the stake. 他们被公开谴责为异教徒并被处以火刑。
They thought he was a heretic, and he was executed. 他们认为他是异教徒,被处死。
They were like, 'Kill the heretic!' 他们似乎在说:‘杀死这个异教徒!’
Origen was later considered to be a heretic for some of the teachings that he came up with& for example he taught that even Satan could be converted in the end. 奥利金后来被视为异教徒,因为他提出的一些教义,例如,他认为连撒旦最后也会信教。
Killing this heretic is worth it. 杀了这歪曲教义的人值得。
He had been hounded down and done to death as heretic. 他遭到迫害并作为异教徒被杀死了。
This man is not a heretic. 这人不是异教徒。
For every heretic it burned at the stake, thousands of others rose up. 它每烧死一个异端分子,就制造出几千个来。
His holiness* Declares you a heretic. 罗马教皇宣布您是异端。
It is interesting that when we talked about Marcion early, remember the heretic in Rome who made his own first Canon list of New Testament books? 有趣的是,之前我们谈到马吉安,他是一个罗马异教徒,自己编撰新约中的正经名单?
She was branded a heretic and burned at the stake. 她被谴责为异教徒,烧死在火刑柱上。
He was declared a heretic, and excommunicated from the Church. 他被宣布为异教徒,并被驱逐出教会。
She is a relapsed heretic, obstinate incorrigible, and altogether unworthy of the mercy we have shown her. 她是个故态复萌的异端分子,顽固不化,不可救药,完全不配享受咱们恩赐给他的仁慈。
The heretic met with severe persecution. 那个异教徒遭到残酷迫害。
We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us. 我们不会因为异端反抗我们而消灭他们。
An advocate of Marxism in this age of capitalism is regarded as a heretic. 马克思主义的倡导者在这个资本主义时代被视为是异教徒。
The Great Schism splits the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Both sides declare the other one excommunicated and heretic. 巨大裂痕产生在天主教和东正教之间。双方都将对方逐出教会宣布为异教徒。
Bernardo GUI wanted him condemned as a heretic. 博那多-桂想宣判他为异教徒。
And at such moments his heart went out to the lonely, derided heretic on the screen, sole guardian of truth and sanity in a world of lies. 这时,对电幕上那个孤独挨骂的异端,那个谎言世界里真理和健全的孤胆卫士,他从心底里同情。
I said," Die, heretic scum", and pushed him off. 我说“去死吧,你个异教徒”就把他推下去了。
Do you realise Guardi is a heretic? 你没意识到格瓦蒂是一个异端吗?
Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the "heretic" king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father. 科学家认定,图坦卡蒙的父亲就是被称为“异教徒”的埃赫那顿法老。埃赫那顿将一神论引入了古埃及。