For most traits, however, these don't seem sufficient to explain away the substantial heritability estimates that are found for traits such as height, reading ability and sensation-seeking. 然而,对于许多特性,这并不足够的去解释遗传性的实质,评估建立特性,例如身高、阅读能力和感觉探索。
However, the plant material did not include families for testing genetic parameters such as heritability. 但是植物材料没有包括试验遗传参数(例如遗传力)的家系。
Heritability estimates depend on comparing the similarity of a trait for identical versus fraternal twins, and will be increased if gene-gene interactions are involved. 遗传可能性评估依赖于比较相同异卵双生的类似性状,如果和基因与基因相互作用相关遗传可能性会增强。
The results from the heritability test show that the heritability of total oil and protein content is98. 遗传力测验表明,油分蛋白总量(含油率与种子蛋白质含量之和)的遗传力为98。
Therefore, we suggested that minor QTLs for traits with high heritability could be isolated using a map-based cloning strategy in a large NIL-F2 population. 由此作者认为这个微效QTL有着很高的遗传力,可以通过NIL-F2群体将该基因图位克隆。
With the higher heritability, the smaller QTL variance and the shorter map distance between two adjacent markers, the evaluation accuracy of animal model MBLUP would be increased. 结果表明,性状的遗传力越高、QTL方差和相邻两个标记间图距越小时,动物模型MBLUP评定的准确性越高;
If the influence of the home environmental risk factors depends on genotype, as suggested by these results, genotype-environment explains the large heritability for asthma and related disorders. 象这些结果所显示的一样,如果家庭环境有害因素的影响依赖于遗传型,那么遗传型-环境就能解释其对哮喘和相关病症巨大遗传可能性。
ScienceDaily ( Nov.29,2010)& Obesity is highly heritable, but so far genetic association studies have only explained a small fraction of this heritability. 《科学日报。》在2010年11月29日报道-肥胖是高度遗传的,但到目前为止遗传关联研究只揭示了这种遗传本质一小部分。
Combining Ability and Heritability of Yield and Quality Characters in Bitter Gourd 苦瓜产量与品质性状配合力及遗传力分析
The heritability of leukemia, and of cancers of the stomach, lung, pancreas, ovary and bladder is even lower. 血癌、胃癌、肺癌、胰腺癌、卵巢癌和膀胱癌的基因遗传率更低。
The two sets of values appeared to be strongly linked, supporting previous findings of heritability in decreased thyroid functioning and its relationship to long life, they say. 他们解释称,支持先前的试验研究发现&在降低甲状腺功能遗传可能性和他们的寿命之间相关性,两组数据资料表现出明显的相关性。
Analysis on Combining Ability and Heritability of Major Agronomic Characters in Hybrid Rice Parents 杂交水稻亲本主要农艺性状配合力及遗传力分析
In molecular terms, heritability has traditionally been attributed to variations in the DNA sequence. 在经典的分子生物学上,遗传度取决于DNA序列的差异程度。
Research on Heritability and Combining Ability of Creation Parents in Yunnan Sugarcane 云南甘蔗创新亲本的遗传力和配合力研究
The relationships of both heritability and genetic advance to phenotypic selections for the traits were analysed. 测定和分析了遗传力及遗传进度与表型选择的关系。
Study on Combining Ability and Heritability of Quality Traits in Three-line Indica Hybrid Rice 籼型三系杂交水稻品质性状配合力与遗传力研究
Studies on Heritability and Genetic Advance of the Main Characters in Early Upland Cotton 早熟陆地棉主要性状的遗传力及遗传进度的研究
The study shows that the heritability in body weight of P.trituberculatus is moderate. 说明三疣梭子蟹体重属于中度遗传力,对其选择育种具有较大的潜力。
Competitive ability has a poor heritability. “竞争能力”的遗体可能性很差。
It with high main gene heritability is96.82% which can be used in breeding. 主基因遗传率较高,为96.82%,可在育种早期进行选种。
Analysis about Correlation Heritability and Selection Indexes of Quantitative Characters of Tumorous Stem Mustard 茎瘤芥(榨菜)数量性状的相关遗传力与选择指数分析
Conclusion: These findings show that frontotemporal lobar degeneration ( FTLD) is a highly heritable disorder but heritability varies between the different syndromes. 结论:这些发现表明额颞叶变性(FTLD)是高度可遗传的疾病,但是不同症状的遗传能力差异很大。
Similarly, training in the heritability and selection indices used in crop-breeding research could help increase productivity or reduce costs. 类似地,培训关于作物育种研究中的遗传力和选择指数的信息可以有助于提高生产力或降低成本。
Despite the environmental effects on IQ, heritability still plays a bigger role in determining overall IQ. 尽管环境对智商有很大影响,但遗传还是起着更重要的决定影响。
In addition, in this paper the author suggest some other methods to estimate heritability by using analysis of variance within unit when the blood relationship exists between sire and dam. 同时还给出了当公母畜彼此间有亲缘关系时,利用单元内方差分析估计遗传力的方法。
A study on the heritability and relationship of the main quantitative characters of jute 黄麻主要数量性状遗传力和相关性的研究
Familial clustering is extensively documented, and twin studies carried out in different countries and cultures show a high degree of heritability. 口吃的家族聚集性被许多资料广为记载,在不同国家及文化氛围中进行的双生研究显示出口吃很高的遗传性。
We do not imply that adequately measured quantitative characters will invariably yield high heritability estimates. 我们并不是说数量性状测定标准合适,就一定估算出高的遗传力。
The heritability of the quality traits of seeds and leaves were also found to be higher ( as high as80% or more). 种子与叶片的品质性状遗传力较高,大部分达80%以上;