Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures. 鲁本在街头徘徊,努力寻找着被他视为宝物的麻袋。
Wrap the plant in fleece or Hessian and tie the fabric to the plant with string. 用羊毛毡或粗麻布把植株包起来,用绳子把布料绑在植株上。
Specifically, we see value in adding support for scheduling, asynchronous processing, messaging, message driven beans and Hessian based remoting. 尤其是,我们看到了增加支持计划、异步处理、消息、消息驱动Bean和基于Hessian的远程访问等功能的价值。
Hessian isn't a protocol that you have to plan your whole application around; you can add it in at any stage and it's just plug and go. 你不需要围绕Hessian来计划整个应用,Hessian不是那种类型的协议;你可以在任何阶段加入Hessian,完全即插即用。
Hessian is a custom binary communication protocol ( based on HTTP) focused on network performance, developed by Caucho as well. Hessian是一个自定义的二进制通信协议(基于HTTP),专注于网络性能,也是由Caucho开发的。
With Hessian's growing popularity as a Web Service protocol, we wanted to make these services available to developers targeting the Flash platform. 随着Hessian这种WebService协议的日益流行,我们希望给瞄准Flash平台的开发者也提供一样的服务。
But now the Hessian wakes, cutting off heads where he finds them. 现在黑森人醒了,砍掉人们的头。
He produced several rolls of Hessian sacking. 他拿出好几匹粗麻袋布来。
A Lightweight Solution for SOA Application System Integration Based on Hessian Protocal 基于Hessian协议的轻量级SOA系统集成方案的研究
People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails purchased in hessian sacks from a local factory. 罗伯茨湾的人喜欢自建房屋,用的钉了是从本地一家工厂买的,都装在麻袋时。
He overlaid the walls with hessian. 他在墙上贴了一层麻布。
His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. 他回家时要经过一座古老的睡谷公墓,公墓里埋着一个无头黑森士兵。
Centerline Extraction Based on Hessian Matrix 基于Hessian矩阵的中心路径提取算法
Soon the leaves fell and the winds blew cold and gusty from the bay Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures. 不久,树叶纷纷飘零,海湾刮来阵阵寒风。鲁本在街头四处逛荡,努力寻找着被他视为宝物的麻袋。
Computer-Aided Detection Algorithm of Lung Nodules Based on Hessian Matrix 基于Hessian矩阵的肺结节计算机辅助检测算法研究
Manipulator with retractable hooks for handling hessian sacks. 装备可收缩吊钩的机械手,用于搬运大包货物。
In this paper, a new centerline extraction algorithm based on Hessian Matrix is proposed. 提出了一种基于Hessian矩阵的中心路径提取算法。
A piece of hessian dyed red, fringed, made an elegant carpet. 一块粗麻布被染红、缝上流苏,做成了一块雅致的地毯。
Some of the Hessian soldiers that the king had hired to fight against the Americans came to Trenton. Trenton is on the Delaware River. 英国国王雇用的黑森兵中有一部分到达位于特拉华河畔的特伦顿。
A method to detect the sub-pixel center of structured light stripe with Hessian matrix is proposed. 提出了一种基于Hessian矩阵的亚像素精度结构光条纹中心提取算法。
Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton Hill, not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British. 另一些人则认为这个黑森士兵还不知道附近的查特顿山已被英国人占领,他从坟墓里出来便是要领导其他黑森士兵向那儿冲锋。
Hessian foundation for research on peace and conflicts; 黑森州和平与冲突研究基金会;
What we smell with cork taint is mould, smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag-phew! 我们闻到的是污染瓶塞的发霉味道,卷心菜的味道,或湿麻袋的味道,烦人!
Solution of Optimal Power Flow by Applying Multiplier Penalty Function and Hessian Matrix The Estimation of Current and Imbalance Force on a DPS-Controlled Underwater Robot 用乘子罚函数和海森矩阵计算最佳潮流水下机器人动力定位中的海流及不平衡力估计
Ong described using the protocol in more detail Ong接着详细说明了如何使用Hessian协议
Drift Response Gradient and Hessian Matrix Calculation of Multi-storey and High-rise Building Structures 高层建筑结构层间位移梯度和海赛矩阵的计算
Hessian fits this requirement perfectly. Hessian完美地满足了这种需求。
Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden, Germany is a complex theatre of drama, opera, ballet, concert, and youth stage. 德国黑森州剧院是集话剧、歌剧、芭蕾、交响乐队、青年剧团为一体的综合性剧院,在欧洲享有盛誉。
The computation methods of the elements of Hessian matrix and the eigenvalues of Hessian matrix are discussed. 讨论了Hessian矩阵元的计算方法和Hessian矩阵特征值的计算方法。
We derive local Gradient and Hessian estimates of this flow on the boundary. 我们得到了这个流在边界上的局部梯度估计和Hession估计。