Second, the heterogeneousness and changeability of component runtime environment build many blocks in component assembly, integration, and interoperation. 就基础设施而言,构件运行平台的异构性和易变性致使构件组装、集成及互操作困难重重。
The existence of the joints is an important characteristic of rock mass distinctly different from rock, and also an important factor leading to the heterogeneousness and anisotropy of rock mass. 节理的存在是岩体明显区别于岩石的一个重要特征,也是导致岩体具有非均质性及各向异性的一个重要因素。
ALIRS runs on a unified platform, which overlooks the heterogeneousness of the members within the LAN. 它运行在统一的平台之上,忽略了局域网内成员的异构性;
The nonlinear characteristic of thermistor results low accuracy in temperature measurement. Second, the heterogeneousness and changeability of component runtime environment build many blocks in component assembly, integration, and interoperation. 热敏电阻器的非线性是导致测温准确度下降的主要原因。就基础设施而言,构件运行平台的异构性和易变性致使构件组装、集成及互操作困难重重。
Exterior resources integration is the basic requirement of virtual shop floor. The standardization of resource model, heterogeneousness of hardware and software platforms and the evaluation and selection of manufacturing resources need to be solved. 集成异地制造资源是虚拟车间的基本要求,需要解决资源模型标准化、克服硬软件平台异构性和制造资源评价与选择三个方面的问题。
With the 3D wave effect of soil layer and the radial heterogeneousness of soil, the theory developed in this paper is more rigorous and reasonable in theory, and more reliable in application. 本文给出的桩土纵向及扭转耦合振动理论考虑了桩周土三维波动效应及径向非均质,在理论上更严格,也更符合实际情况。
Due to characteristic of distribution, heterogeneousness and respectively pricing strategies by their owners, the grid resource price is hard to manage. 由于网格资源的地理分布性,异构性以及资源拥有者采用各自的资源定价策略,这导致网格资源价格管理十分复杂。
Spatial data is different to traditional data for data mining. Spatial data not only contains spatial attributes but also embodies non-spatial attributes, so it shows autocorrelation and heterogeneousness constrains. 空间数据有别于传统数据挖掘数据,空间数据不仅包含空间属性而且包含非空间属性,因而具有自关联性和异质性的约束。
Traditional scheduling algorithms face new challenges because of the heterogeneousness, complexity and flexibility of the heterogeneous multiprocessor system. 由于异构多处理器系统的异构性、灵活性和复杂性等特点,使得传统的调度算法面临新的挑战。
In the research of system, collaboration technologies in multi-agent systems are used to solve dynamic, expand and heterogeneousness of grid resources. 在系统的研究中引入了多Agent系统中多个Agent间的协作技术,解决了网格资源的动态性、可扩展性和异构性。
How to resolve the problems of heterogeneousness and coordination between the distributed data source is the point of the research. 如何解决分布式系统中信息之间的异构问题和协作问题是研究的重点。
It states how to effectively design spatial outlier detecting algorithms which consider both autocorrelation and heterogeneousness constrains. 将阐述如何在离群检测的过程中,同时考虑空间数据的这两个约束,进行有效的空间离群挖掘算法设计。
The heterogeneousness of knowledge representation and data storage formats of design resources between different design systems makes it very difficult in product design reuse. 但是,不同设计系统在设计资源知识表示和数据存储上的异构性是阻碍产品设计重用的一个关键问题。