Its existence is due to its peculiar traits, among which the most important ones are particular autorhythmicity, self coerciveness, universal penetrability and lofty ideality. From Heteronomous Morality to Autonomous Morality& Comments on Kohlberg s Moral Typology; 道德力的主要特质有:独特自律性、我强制性、遍渗透性和崇高理想性。
In the planned economic system, since the government are both hospital holder and medical service manager, professional ethics is heteronomous basically. 在计划经济体制下,由于政府既是医疗服务机构的主办者,又是医疗服务的管理者,因此,遵循职业伦理主要是他律。
In actual morality construction, emphasizing heteronomous morality, autonomous morality, or morality of no-heteronomy-and-autonomy are all worth criticizing. 过于强调道德自律或他律,或认为道德是无律的观点都值得商榷。
They only be heteronomous and for ensuring the external things of morality, namely, they only be in the interest of ensuring social existence and progress and improving everyone's benefits finally. 而只能是他律的,只能是为了保障道德之外的他物:为了保障社会的存在发展,最终是为了增进每个人的利益。
The genesis of individual morality is constituted by such two closely connected stages as the genesis and evolution of heteronomous morality, as well as the formation of autonomous morality. 个体道德的发生是由他律道德的发生发展与自律道德的形成这两个紧密相连的阶段所构成的。
On the heteronomous deprivation and survival crisis& A reinterpretation of The Days of Wolf Hunting by Jia Ping'ao 他律剥夺与个体生存意义的危机&贾平凹《怀念狼》解读
On the Heteronomous Registered Stock Issue System of Second-tier Board in China 中国创业板他律型注册制发行上市制度研究
First, the discourses of theory are heteronomous. 自我迷失:理论话语他者化。
There are mainly two kinds of supervision system of negotiable securities in the word: one is the American heteronomous supervision system, which is also named the legal supervision system; the other is the British autonomous supervision system. 目前世界上主要有两种证券监管制度:一是美国的他律型证券监管制度,即法定监管制度,二是英国的自律型证券监管制度。
These problems include mainly: Government's leading role is emphasized excessively in community management, the market mechanism is misused, and the autonomous organizations in the community are becoming heteronomous. 这些问题主要包括:社区管理中政府主导作用的过度化,市场机制在社区管理中的泛化,以及社区内自治组织的被组织化。
It is due to the rejection of religion and reason as heteronomous constraints that man becomes superman beyond social reality. 人因为拒绝了一切外在力量如宗教和理性的压制,而成了具有超越现实能力的超人。