The sort of affirmations which he seemed to fling out before him at random came like hiccoughs, and to each he added the gesture of a wood-cutter who is splitting wood. 他对着大众信口乱扯,说到态度认真起来时,他的声音就象打噎,而且还加上个樵夫劈柴的手势。
Scarlett thought hysterically that perhaps she had better give a drink to little Wade and see if it would stop his hiccoughs& and Melanie would not die. 思嘉十分可笑地想,她不知给小韦德也喝上一点,让他别再打嗝儿了。还有,媚兰不会死了。
Once he heard his mother groan and he burst into sobbing hiccoughs. 有一次,听见母亲的叫声,他便抽抽搭搭地哭起来。