躲藏处;隐藏处 A hideout is a place where someone goes secretly because they do not want anyone to find them, for example if they are running away from the police.
General Ghani insists this is because army raids and strikes are mostly hitting militant hideouts set up in high mountains. 加尼将军则坚持说,这是因为军队的袭击和进攻主要打击的是深山里的激进分子藏身地。
The violence began on Thursday, when Indian troops attacked suspected militant hideouts in a mountainous forest area near Mendhar in Poonch district of Indian administered Kashmir. 这次暴力事件从星期四开始。当时印度军队在印控克什米尔浦克区附近门德哈的一个崇山峻岭地带,对激进分子嫌疑人的藏身之地发动攻击。
A statement on Turkey's military website says the rebels were killed during the fourth day of clashes as Turkish artillery pounded suspected Kurdish rebel hideouts inside Iraq. 发表在土耳其军方网站上的声明说,在冲突的第4天,土耳其炮兵轰击涉嫌为库尔德族叛军的藏身地点,打死41名叛军。
Secretive government agencies, classified information, international hideouts and charges of espionage& these are the makings of a Hollywood spy thriller. 秘密的政府机构、机密情报、国际藏身处、间谍指控这些都是好莱坞间谍惊悚片的必备元素。
The League's simple, brutal and effective strategy was to employ a militia to raid the toll gatherers 'hideouts. 这个联盟简单、野蛮而有效的战略是:雇佣民兵袭击收费者的藏身之处。
The snag is that it is hard to find out the hideouts of these criminals in a timely manner, just like our American friends find it hard to find terrorists, he said. 他表示,障碍在于难以及时找出这些罪犯的藏匿地点,正如美国朋友难以找到恐怖分子一样。
Only a week after ordering the Mexican army to flush out the Chiapas rebels from their mountain hideouts, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo abruptly changed course and called off the troops. 墨西哥总统塞迪略下令军队将恰帕斯叛军赶出其山区根据地后才一星期,突然改弦易辙,召回军队。
As if you don't know his favorite hideouts. 好像你不知道他最喜欢的藏身之处。
State TV said the military had "stormed the hideouts of saboteurs" and urged the public to back security forces. 利比亚国家电视台报道说,军方已“袭击了暴徒们的藏身之地”,并敦促公众支持卡扎菲的安全部队。
Fortunately, appropriate cleaning and disinfection methods can dislodge the unwanted intruders from even their most secret hideouts. 幸运的是,适当的清洁和消毒方法可以去除藏在最深处的这些不受欢迎的入侵者。