Regarding high-lighting problems during basic computer knowledge teaching in college, we will explain and solve problems in multi-view of fitting for quality education, multi-layer education and harmonious eduction based on social practice combining with my teaching experience. 针对高职院校计算机基础课教学面临的突出问题,结合教学心得,立足社会实际,从适应素质教育、多层次教育、和谐教育的多种视角诠释并解决问题。
The document management part introduces the document management, first it introduce the the storage data structure of text: gap buffer, then it introduce the line management, caret and selection management. then introduce the code high-lighting function. 文档管理模块主要介绍了文档管理的实现,首先介绍了文本存储的数据结构:间隙缓冲结构,接着介绍了文本行的表示,插入符和选择管理,接着介绍了高亮显示功能的实现。