ADJ-GRADED 听起来冠冕堂皇的;虚夸的 You can use high-sounding to describe language and ideas which seem very grand and important, especially when you think they are not really important.
...high-sounding decrees designed to impress foreigners and attract foreign capital. 意在打动外国人以吸引外资的华而不实的法令
He still loves high-sounding phrases which may mean everything possible or nothing at all. 他至今仍然喜欢那些包罗万象而又空洞无物的响亮词句。
What's the point of simply paying lip service? or high-sounding words are no use. 光说得漂亮有什么用?
Many-a-times people have ended up using high-sounding words inappropriately only to face public embarrassment. 很多时候在公众场合由于用词不当,最后只有直面尴尬。
Give him praise with the loud brass: give him praise with the high-sounding brass. 用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。
Of course, these developers are talking about high-sounding manner to make contributions to urban construction. 当然,这些开发者们谈论冠冕堂皇的方式作出贡献的城市建设。
The politician's speech was full of high-sounding words. 这位政客的演说满是高谈阔论。
I would like to, no one will answer so naive, so high-sounding reasons. 我想,没有人会再回答出那么天真、那么冠冕堂皇的理由了。
Jack filled his son with many high-sounding ideas about life. 杰克给他儿子灌输了许多有关生活的思想都是唱高调。
He is fond of using high-sounding phrases. 他爱用夸大的词句。
If we follow the Path patiently and with diligence, train and purify ourselves one day realize it within ourselves-without taxing ourselves with puzzling and high-sounding words. 如果我们耐心而勤奋地追随这条道路,训练和净化自己,也许有一天会在我们自我之中找到它,而不必用困惑和高调的词汇来指责自己。
High-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because they are useful. 听来很高调的阐释可以加诸其上,而是因为它们有用。
I have knowledge of his wrath, says the lord, that it is nothing; his high-sounding words have done nothing. 耶和华说,我知道他的忿怒是虚空的。他夸大的话一无所成。
No high-sounding rhetoric, just want to take action to achieve an attainable aspiration. 没有冠冕堂皇的说辞,只是想以行动,去实现一个可以实现的愿望。
-With your permission, my lord. He is fond of using high-sounding phrases. -请允许我说一句,大人他爱用夸大的词句。
This means you're talking high-sounding words or bushwa. 唱高调就是说大话或者说空话。
He used volumes of high-sounding words to disguise himself in order to deceive the people. 他用大量动听的言辞来伪装自己,欺骗人民。
The media infringe upon those celebrities 'privacy for circulation and rating, but make the high-sounding excuse that the audience should know what has happened. 媒体为发行量和收视率侵犯名人隐私,却又以受众的知情权作为冠冕堂皇的借口;
He tagged a high-sounding title to his name. 他在自己的姓名前加上了一个显赫的头衔。
The deployment of a high-sounding, honeyed, provocative methods to destroy humans'multifaceted nature involves contemporary culture's butchery. 借以“创造生活”这个冠冕堂皇、美丽的动听、具有极其扇动方式来毁灭人性多重性,这就是当下文化的的屠杀。