Let's find sth. that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy. 怎样才能雅俗共赏才好。
Viewing the Media Consumption of Literature via Enjoyment of Both Highbrows and Lowbrows; On the Social Responsibilities of Internet Media with the Context of Renovating Vulgar News on Internet 由雅俗共赏透析文学的传媒消费从整治互联网低俗之风看网络媒体的社会责任
Teachout has at least one laudable purpose: He thinks that he sees a way to bring together the Great Public of the movies with the Small Public of the highbrows. 蒂彻特至少有一个值得称道的用途:他认为自己发现了一条将电影的庞大观众与知识分子的小众联结起来的一条途径。
The TV company specializes in making arts shows for highbrows. 这家电视公司专门为趣味高雅的人制作艺术节目。
Traditional Culture and Chinese Highbrows& Reread A Family with Four Generations Together; Studying on the Traditional Connotation of Intellectuals 'Characters in Zong Pu's Work 传统文化与中国知识分子&再读《四世同堂》论宗璞作品中知识分子性格的传统内涵
Discussion on the Direction of Chinese Cultural Development by Intelligentsia in Initial Period of the War Resistance against Japan; Traditional Culture and Chinese Highbrows& Reread A Family with Four Generations Together; 抗战初期中国知识界关于文化发展方向的探讨传统文化与中国知识分子&再读《四世同堂》