Take note of how higher-ups at your company express their ideas. 4.注意上司是如何表达观点的。
Most alarming, the study says that retaliation against people who report wrongdoing to higher-ups is rising. 令人警醒的是,该研究发现,对向高层揭发不当行为的人实施打击报复的案例也在增加。
Talkback: have you ever been confronted with unethical behavior by colleagues or higher-ups? 反馈:你是否遇到过同事或上级有不道德的行为?
I need to figure out the best way to approach higher-ups about getting support, including funding and staffing, for my idea. 我得找出一种最好的办法,能够说服公司高层为我的想法提供资金和人员方面的扶持。
If your company doesn't have a formal review process, you should regularly request feedback from higher-ups. 如果你的公司没有正式的审查过程,你应该经常向上级请求反馈。
I just remembered to a bunch of higher-ups. 想起来我还要一堆顶头上司批准的咧。
But it makes a difference. When an employee takes style direction from higher-ups, the company looks at it as a sign of emotional intelligence. 如果一个员工仿效了上司的穿衣风格,公司会将这种行为视为情商高的表现。
Second, briefly explain precisely what you believe you did wrong, in this case correcting the boss in the presence of higher-ups. 其次,简明扼要地解释一下你认为自己做错了什么事情,你的错误就是在高层在场的情况下纠正了上司的错误。
Making a name for yourself in your industry through public speaking, writing for the trade press, or a widely-read blog, or being active in professional associations can get you noticed by higher-ups who are in a position to promote you. 在业内博得一些名气,比如通过公开演讲、为行业刊物或被广泛阅读的博客撰稿,或者积极参加职业协会等,都可以帮助你吸引高层的注意。而他们决定着你能否得到升职。
If you take an offer that matches the one you got from another company, and you agree to stay, higher-ups still know you were planning to quit, he points out. You can't unring that bell. 如果接受了一份和其他公司开给你的待遇相仿的薪水,并同意留在公司,那高层还是已经知道你是准备离职的,放出去的风是没法收回来的,他指出。
Being articulate and well-spoken is of great help in any profession, and knowing that you can speak to higher-ups with self-confidence can be an enormous boost to your self-esteem. 语言表达流利对任何职业都大有好处,有自信的与上级交流可是对自尊的大大增加,甚至对职业都是个帮助。
One person said Mr. Wang's work on the South China Sea appeared to be an effort to brandish his political credentials, showing political higher-ups he could defend Beijing's interests in one of the region's most volatile disputes. 一位人士说,王宜林在南中国海的举动似乎是为了展示他的政治资本,向高层证明他可以在地区内最变幻不定的一场争端之中维护北京的利益。
If you really make it a priority to build a good rapport with this boss, and help him save face with higher-ups, who knows, you might even decide to stay beyond the next 18 months, Mattson says. 马特森表示:如果你真的把与老板和谐相处作为首要任务,同时帮他在高层面前保全了面子,在18个月后,你或许会选择继续留在这里,谁知道呢?
As an executive vice president for CJ Corporation, the 14th-largest Korean conglomerate, Min says that the country's hierarchal system can sometimes lead to abuses of power or bad behavior in the name of expanding profits and pleasing higher-ups. 闵是韩国排在第14位的企业集团希杰集团(CJCorporation)执行副总裁。她表示,韩国的等级制度有时候会导致滥用职权,或以增加利润和取悦上司为借口的不良行为。
Germany higher-ups know their game is almost played out. 德国高级官员知道他们几乎已经输光了这场赌博。
You don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups. 你犯不着用酒肉来奉承上司。
The local officers approved the plan, but the state higher-ups did not accept it. 本地官员同意这计划,但州官员却反对。
If a manager booked travel himself, higher-ups would think he was wasting time. 如果一位经理自己做这些事,上级会认为他是在浪费时间。
Provide no-cost examples of how aspects can solve the thorny problems in your system before asking colleagues or higher-ups to commit to aspects. 在请求同事和上级致力于方面之前,提供方面如何解析棘手问题的无成本示例。
If she's about to get laid off and her higher-ups have no idea what you do, you'll be vulnerable too. 如果你的上司要下岗而她的上级对你的工作又根本不了解那你也容易下岗。
He did not really represent their opinions to the higher-ups, although he claimed he did. 他没有真正地把他们的意见反映给上级,尽管他说已经反映过了。
They're still waiting for a decision about the extra money from the higher-ups. 他们仍然等待着上级作出关于额外工资的决定。
It's a meeting with the higher-ups on these bad loans. 上级们开关于呆帐的会。
Whatever it is that you will be finishing up is certain to bring you praise from higher-ups. 不管你将要完成的是什么,都会给你带来赞扬。
If discipline is what he needs, let the higher-ups make that call. 如果你的老板需要纪律约束的话,那就让上级打电话通知他吧。
Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups. 请准备一份更详细的提案,然后我会把它推销给高阶主管。
Master Huang: Well, John, the higher-ups have decided that we have to put on a big safety campaign. 黄师父:约翰,高层决定我们开展安全生产教育活动。
But it's not just the higher-ups you need to impress. 但是不仅你要让上级对你有好印象。
Did the President's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, act alone or was he a pawn of higher-ups? 刺杀总统的刺客约翰·威克斯·布思,是单枪匹马行事,或者,他是更高层人士的一个走卒?
What is more, I will often communicate with the higher-ups and associates to find my deficiency in the job so that I can mend it in time. 重要的是平时多与领导、同事沟通,从而发现本身在工作上的不足,以便及时改正;