山里人;乡巴佬 If you refer to someone as a hillbilly, you are saying in a fairly rude way that you think they are uneducated and stupid because they come from the countryside.
The tuhao have become a punching bag on Chinas blogosphere for being the symbol of wasteful wealth and unrefined taste, or as a report by Foreign Policy, they are Chinas version of the Beverly Hillbillies. 在中国的社交网络上,土豪已经成为挥霍无度和品位低下的象征而受人鄙视。或者用《外交政策》杂志的报道,土豪是中国版的贝弗利山人。
In this community of3,000 on the Arkansas River, where everyone is cheering on the Hillbillies, the high school football team that made it to the state playoffs, turkey is an industry. 阿肯色河沿岸有3000个群落。这里的每一个人都在为高中橄榄球队希尔比利斯能进入全国季后赛而欢呼雀跃。在这里,火鸡是一项产业。
The American people were mainly a vast collection of peasants, boobs, and hillbillies. 美国人主要是由农民、蠢人和乡下人组成的巨大集体。
Or the Hillbillies when he parked his car. 在他停车时那些山地人也没见着。