Hing ery clear goal in mind can make it much easier to se up. 一个非常明确的目标可以让你的省钱计划更加易行。
Bank of East Asia is one of the city's three remaining family-owned lenders, which are under takeover spotlight again following the recent acquisition of Chong Hing Bank Ltd. by Chinese property conglomerate Yuexiu Group. 东亚银行是香港现存的三家家族银行之一;近期创兴银行有限公司(ChongHingBankLtd.,简称:创兴银行)被中国房地产综合企业越秀集团(YuexiuGroup)收购之后,东亚银行再度成为收购焦点。
Simulation of Temperature Field of Photoelectric Semiconductor Detectors Irradiated by Hing Energy Laser 强光辐照下半导体光电探测器的温度场模拟侧向光效应光电探测器
Chan Hing Social Service Centre& Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [ Mongkok Kaifong Association] 陈庆社会服务中心&老人服务中心〔旺角街坊福利会〕
The last Hing I wanted was to male you unhappy. 我绝对不愿意让你不高兴。
Chong Hing Bank said in a statement it isn't exploring a sale. 创兴银行在一份声明中表示,并没有寻求出售。
Guangzhou Meilang hair and beauty supplies firm located in Guangzhou City, No.398, RT-Mart Plaza, Admiralty Henglu, And with the first Chinas top ten cosmetics wholesale market near Hing Fat Square. 广州美郎美发美容用品商行位于广州市金钟横路398号润发广场,与有着中国十大化妆品批发市场之首的兴发广场毗邻。
Thanks to the special effort by badman, hero_jang and hing, most of the Games were completed successfully. 由于网管的努力,比赛的大部分对局都圆满地完成了。
We carry Hing brand items such as von. 美国出售品牌服装和服饰。
Tibet just six months, the head of Miss Cheung Hing at work suddenly found physical abnormalities, thyroid and gall bladder by Charles tumor. 援藏刚半年,正在工作兴头上的张敏突然发现身体异常,经查甲状腺和胆囊发现肿瘤。
Tai Hing Social Centre for the Elderly [ Hong Kong Evangelical Church] 大兴老人中心〔香港宣教会〕
The most beautiful t! hing is to see a person smiling. 至美的事是去看一个人微笑。
Tree industry model, Hing Luzhou cause is our unremitting pursuit. 树行业典范,兴鲁洲大业,是我们不懈的追求。
Central Animal Hospital, G/ F, 100 Hing Fat Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 中央动物医院,香港铜锣湾兴发街100号地下。
March breeze, gentle touching, Hing Wah Street West foot Spinning Dance. 三月的微风,温婉缠绵,踮脚旋舞。
So Hing Lake of All of a sudden have a, driving securinine Adventures, 10000 ares beautiful waves. 于是游湖之兴顿生,驾一叶轻舟,徜徉万顷波涛。
Tonight, a person in the world, facing the dim old road, a deep feeling of grief no longer be able to open the door from Hing Estate. 今晚,是一个人的世界,对着朦胧的旧道,沉痛的心情再也无法开起馨悦的大门。
This is not some collection of Valentine's Day-a three versions of the story down, Hing submitted together, hope you like them. 不想这一番收集,光情人节的来历倒出现了三个版本,所兴一起呈上,希望大家喜欢。
Tsoi Hing Fai: I made my achievements, as you call them, at the price of sweat and tears. 蔡庆辉:今天的成就都是我用汗水换来的。
The Volunteers visit the industrial area of "Sun Hing". 义工团友在「新兴」纺织集团的厂区内四处游览。
Hing he is about is too bigfor him. 不管是谁,匆匆忙忙只能说明他。
Station in positions very Hing. 阵地站中很不兴。
Hing real estate investment craze "layman" moving real estate: how deep water? 房地产兴投资热“门外汉”迈步地产:水有多深?
In addition, such as Southwest synthesis, Sanpu Pharmaceutical and medicine yueyang Hing long shares have held up quite well. 除此之外,诸如西南合成、三普药业以及岳阳兴长等医药股均有不俗表现。
Why there is such a hing called "filament emmision"? 灯丝为什么会发射电子?
From Pak Tai temple, walk along Pak she street and San Hing street. 离开北帝庙,沿北社街和新兴街走。
In addition to the Shun Hing centre headquarters, there are service stations, in such prime locations as central, Yaumatei and Kwuntong in order to have full service coverage throughout Hong kong, Kowloon and the new territories. 除「信兴中心」总部外,本公司在中环、油麻地及观塘均设有维修服务分站,服务范围遍及港九新界。