They've been giving broad hints about what to expect. 他们对将会出现什么情况已作了明白的暗示。
If I drop a few hints he might give me a cutting. 如果我给点暗示,他没准会送我一段插枝。
The book gives handy hints on looking after indoor plants 这本书提供了一些关于如何照料室内花草的有用信息。
Here are some helpful hints to make your journey easier 几条有用的建议可以让你的旅途更轻松。
I'm hoping to get some fashion hints. 我希望能得到一些有关时尚的建议。
There's plenty of time to drop hints for Christmas presents! And speaking of presents, we have 100 exclusive fragrance collections to give away. 还有足够的时间去暗示自己想要的圣诞礼物!说到礼物,我们有100份限量版香水要赠送。
A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America 几个月来不断暗示爱意、想发展长期恋爱关系的男人却突然远走美国。
Don't give him any hints when he answers the question. 在他回答问题时,不要给他提示。
Broad hints were aired that the paper should be closed down. 有迹象表明该报将被查封。
This list of hints help the new students a lot. 这一系列的建议对新生帮助很大。
I also provide hints and tips and best practices gained from real-life customer scenarios. 我还提供了提示和技巧以及从现实的客户方案中获得的最佳实践。
Therefore, throughout this document, there will be hints and tips disclosed. 为此,本文透露了一些提示和技巧,它们贯穿本文始终。
A simple example can give us some hints. 一个简单示例可以给我们一些提示。
Avoid using secret questions and hints for password recovery. 避免使用秘密问题和提示的密码恢复。
You have been given a lot of good hints and advice. 您已经有了很多很好的提示和建议。
We've added some hints inside the boxes to show you what to do. 我们已经在框中添加了一些提示,告诉您怎么做。
ToolTips provide textual hints that assist in drawing lines and aligning objects. 工具提示提供了协助画线和对象对齐的文本提示。
Along with hints, tips, and advice on how to frame and care for your projects. 随着暗示,提示和意见,就如何框架和照顾,为您的项目。
Aroma of strawberry and other berry fruits with hints of oak. 口感清新,草莓和樱桃的风味中带有一点橡木和牛油的味道。
Bouquet: Lush flavors of cherry and plum, with hints of cedar and violets in the nose. 气味:丰富的樱桃和洋李的香味,还带有雪松和紫罗兰的香味。
Every routine is fully described in detail with hints and tips on presentation etc. 每例行充分叙述了详细的提示和技巧,颁奖等。
This book suggests reasons for trying it again and offers some helpful hints to make dictation work for you. 本书提出了再试试口述的理由,并提出一些使口述对你起作用的暗示。
She gave me some useful hints on how to deal with the matter. 她就怎样处理这件事给了我一些有益的指点。
Perhaps he can give you some hints about new business opportunities. 也许他能给你一些线索,去寻找新的业务机会。
I could have given you some hints, but I suppose you thought yourself too grand. 我本可以给你点提示的,但是我认为你太自负了。
We strive to present you with all the latest cheats and hints for your games. 我们努力呈现给所有最新的作弊和你的游戏提示。
Well you can't but, you can give subtle hints of what people love in a toy. 很遗憾,你不能。但是你可以把人们所喜欢的东西作为微妙的线索放入玩具中。
My hints were not lost upon them. 我的暗示他们懂了。
But again, it hints with these fundamentals. 再一次,这提示给了我们一些基础知识。
I thought we could help each other. we'd give him hints. 我想我们可以彼此帮忙我们会给他提示。