Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes 在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。
Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。
There's hippos hanging out at a lake in Kenya, where a female apparently felt a boat of tourists was getting just a little too close. 肯尼亚一条河里有很多河马游动,当时正好一名女游客从船上掉进水里,离河马特别近。
Wroblewski, father of a small child, has found a unique reference point: the Hungry Hungry Hippos game! 已有一个小孩的罗博乌斯基则找到了一个非常特别的参照点:《饥饿的河马》(HungryHungryHippos)游戏!
We watched the hippos wallowing in the mud. 我们看见河马在泥中打滚。
Evelyn: Yes! Hippos are great hosts for other animals. 伊夫琳:对呀!河马是很会款待其他动物的好主人呢!
The Kruger Park officials informed me that the presence of Hippos out of water at this time of year is not so unusual. 克鲁格公园方面告诉我们在这个季节河马离开水活动的情况并不少见。
"World cup" set of quality glass, the friendship of Hippos. 杯子世界集杯子之精品,汇八方之友情。
Hippos, elephants, giraffes, lions, leopards, and scores of other species flourish in this savanna-woodland watershed, watered by the Luangwa River. 河马、大象、长颈鹿、狮子、豹以及各类物种,在这遍热带大草原的森林地,依靠卢安瓜河流给予的供水,各自在这分水岭里繁荣昌盛。
What about other animals& do they eat hippos? 它们吃河马吗?
Hippos only kill in self-defense. 河马只有在自卫时才会杀人。
Sheldon: Well, he didn't actually say anything, but when he came back to the apartment he was doing a dance that brought to mind the happy hippos in fantasia. 好吧,其实他也没说啥,只不过是回来的时候跳着一支能让人想起幻想曲里的开心河马的舞蹈。
Hippos almost don't have any natural enemies. 河马几乎没有天敌。
Look to your friends, the hippos and be at peace that you are what God made you to be. 期待你的朋友,可以在和平、飞禽走兽你,你是什么神了。
Certainly not because the country lacked bad-tempered hippos and zebras. 肯定不是因为这个国家缺少坏脾气的河马和斑马。
Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. 河马是非洲最危险的动物之一。
Major arts activities: In2006 she directed 〝 Large Hippos and Small Hippos 〞 and won third prize for the4th college students'creative DV. 主要艺术活动:2006年导演作品《大小河马》入选并获得第四届大学生原创dv三等奖。
A handful of pink hippos have been recorded in Uganda but never Kenya. 乌干达曾今记录有一群粉红色的河马,但是在肯尼亚从来没有拍摄到。
This sprawl of wilderness is home to world's largest concentration of zebras, hippos and giraffes. 这片辽阔的荒野是斑马、河马和长颈鹿在全球最大的聚居地。
We all clapped our hands. Then we went to see the hippos. 我们都鼓起掌来。然后我们去看河马。
We saw the peacocks, hippos and pandas. 我们看到孔雀,河马和熊猫了。
Evelyn: Did you know hippos sometimes kill people? 伊夫琳:你知道河马有时会杀人吗?