VERB 贮藏;囤积 If you hoard things such as food or money, you save or store them, often in secret, because they are valuable or important to you.
They've begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their money... 他们已经存钱并开始贮藏食物和汽油。
Consumers did not spend and create jobs; they hoarded... 消费者并没有消费进而创造就业机会,他们把钱都存起来了。
The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk. 用贮藏的一罐炼乳为茶添加了甜味。
N-COUNT 贮藏物;隐藏物;收藏物 A hoard is a store of things that you have saved and that are valuable or important to you or you do not want other people to have.
The case involves a hoard of silver and jewels valued at up to $40m. 此案涉及密藏的一批价值高达4,000万美元的银子和珠宝。
Consumers did not spend and create jobs; they hoarded 消费者并没有消费进而创造就业机会,他们把钱都存起来了。
The tea was sweetened with a hoarded tin of condensed milk. 用贮藏的一罐炼乳为茶添加了甜味。
I have seen a grievous evil under the sun: wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner. 我见日光之下,有一宗大祸患:就是财主积存资财,反害自己。
They'd worked out a system in advance: two of them ran in and grabbed a spot, three others hoarded dresses and they all carried yellow balloons Grace's wedding color to locate each other in the chaos. 她们提前制定了攻略:两人冲进商店占领阵地,三人抢婚纱,所有的亲友都举着象征格雷斯婚礼主色调的黄色气球,以便在混乱的人群中找到彼此。
Local Taiwanese families that have hoarded cash in recent years while avoiding the investment market are another potentially big source of funds. 台湾的家庭近几年来一直避免参与投资市场,因此手中存下了大笔现金,他们也是房地产市场一大潜在资金来源。
When the project ends, those same resources, now hoarded by the users, become underutilized, wasted capacity. 在项目结束时,那些相同的资源(现在由用户囤积)成为没有得到充分利用的,浪费的容量。
In some cases, the problem is exacerbated as assets are hoarded precisely because of the difficulty in finding them when needed. 在某些情况下,这个问题会恶化,因为资产恰恰会由于难以在需要的时候找到而被搁置。
Worse, Bitcoins are mostly hoarded: transaction growth has not kept pace with the market cap. 更糟糕的是,比特币主要被储存起来了:交易量增长与市值增长并不同步。
When consumers and businesses expect lower prices they postpone spending, expecting their cash to go further if hoarded. This drains demand from the economy. 当消费者和企业预计价格下降时,他们会延迟支出,寄望于囤积的现金将来会更值钱。这从经济中抽走了需求。
But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farms and stealing potatoes, which they hoarded. 但是他们一有空就溜到邻近的农场去偷土豆储藏起来。
First the money markets seized up, as banks hoarded spare cash. 首先,由于银行囤积了备用金,货币市场停止运作。
Information is often hoarded as a source of power, not shared. 信息往往被看做是权力的来源,而不是共享的。
Cash is being hoarded everywhere by savers too afraid to lend and consumers too afraid to spend. 目前,储蓄者不敢放贷,消费者不敢花钱,到处都在囤积现金。
The banking crisis did appalling damage to the economy as weak banks hoarded capital, leaving ordinary businesses and consumers gasping for credit. 银行业危机对经济造成了可怕的损害,由于境况不佳的银行捂着资金,致使一般的企业和消费者渴望贷款而不得。
When I hoarded the train at Milan the only other occupant of the compartment was a neighbour of ours in leeds. "well, well it's a small world," I said as we shook hands. 在米兰我登上列车时,车厢的隔间里只有一个人,竟是我在里兹的邻居。“哎呀,我们又见面了。”握手时我说道。
Sensing some sort of power to the mineral, the goblins hoarded it and shaped it into ritual objects. 在察觉到矿石的某种力量之后,地精们开始储藏它们并把它们做成仪式器物。
It owned great properties and often hoarded huge treasures. 它拥有庞大的财产,同时往往窖藏巨额的财宝。
Where it once hoarded data, it now displays it on the web. 它曾对数据保密,现在,它在网络上公开数据。
Financial institutions, which racked up huge losses due to soured investments in mortgage-linked securities, became increasingly wary of lending and hoarded cash. 因为在抵押贷款证券投资失误而遭受巨大损失的金融机构,逐渐变得对贷款更加谨慎并开始囤积现金。
Many hoarded their savings for a few years and, unwelcome in the city, went back to the village. 许多人在城里攒了几年钱后,由于无法立足,又返回了乡下。
If it is hoarded, with households paying down debt and companies refusing to invest, then recovery is unlikely. 如果货币被人们囤积起来,再加上家庭偿还债务以及企业拒绝投资,那么复苏将不太可能实现。
He hoarded colourful picture books for children. 他收藏供儿童看的彩色图画书。
The US Treasury should scrutinise banks receiving public capital more closely to ensure the money is being used to support the economy and not hoarded, a watchdog said yesterday. 一家监督机构昨日表示,美国财政部应更加密切地审查接受公共资金的银行,以确保资金被用于支持经济,而不是被囤积起来。
Central banks around the world fought surging demand for cash as banks hoarded reserves and refused to lend to each other, injecting about$ 230bn in overnight and two day liquidity. 随着世界各地的银行纷纷囤积储备金,并拒绝相互借贷,各国央行忙于应付其激增的现金需求,注入大约2300亿美元的隔夜及两天流动性。
You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 你有囤积的财富在过去的日子。
Keen toy-makers hoarded every scrap of material, if not for sewing outside then for stuffing within. 热心的玩具制造者们积存每一点材料,不是用来缝外皮就是做填充物。
You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded. 你将信息视作可利用的工具,而不是藏起来的权力。
Instead of lending this money onto the real economy, banks have either hoarded it in excess reserves or invested it in government bonds. 银行没有把这部分资金贷给实体经济部门,而是囤积于超额准备金,或者投资于政府债券。
That money is hoarded and is not used to expand credit and the money supply, and so does not lead to inflationary pressures. 这些资金会被囤积起来,而不会被用于扩大信贷和货币供给,因而不会导致通胀压力。
Wise in the ways of magic, secretive werecats hoarded mysteries and mystical knowledge. 靠着对魔法的博学,猫人秘密的保存神秘的知识。