Who would have thought that something to do with your stomach would cause hoarseness? 谁能想到,胃里的毛病居然会导致嗓音沙哑呢?
Due to hoarseness, I have to abandon all the fried, oily and spicy food. Meantime, I must eat more fruits and drink honey every day. 由于喉咙不行,杜绝了一切热气油炸的食物(这些以前是我的最爱),辣的一点也不敢沾,多吃水果和天天喝蜂蜜水。
If acid gets into your trachea, it causes asthma like symptoms and hoarseness. 如果胃酸流进气管里,会导致哮喘类的症状和嗓子嘶哑。
ResultVocal nodule is the main cause to chronic hoarseness in children. 结果声带小结是小儿声嘶的主要原因及主要病变。
I noticed a peculiar hoarseness in johnny's voice. 我听出约翰尼的嗓音里有一种特殊的嘶哑。
Results7cases of thyroid lymphoma were characterized by rapidly enlarged thyroid, accompanying breath holding and dysphagia, as well as cough and hoarseness caused by nerve injury. 结果本组甲状腺淋巴瘤的临床特点为迅速增大的甲状腺结节,伴有憋气、吞咽困难等压迫症状;部分患者还伴有饮水呛咳、声音嘶哑等神经受累症状。
But hoarseness can also be a sign of something worse. 但是,声音嘶哑也可以是坏的东西迹象。
The same is true if hoarseness begins after an accident or injury. 道理也是同样的,如果嘶哑是在意外事故或者伤害后发生。
If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. 如果嘶哑持续或者诱因不明,医生将会展开一个被称为喉镜检查的细查。
His hoarseness and coughing showed that he had contracted a cold. 他嗓音嘶哑又咳嗽,这表明他患了感冒。
The most common signs and symptoms are hoarseness and a palpable submandibular mass. 最常见的体征和症状是声音嘶哑和可触及的下颌下肿块。
Fiberoptic laryngoscope is used in the diagnosis of hoarseness 纤维喉镜检查在声音嘶哑疾病诊断中的应用
Some people may experience hearing changes, scratchy sore throats, hoarseness, and cough. 一些人可能经历过听力改变、咽喉刺痛、声嘶和咳嗽。
Experts say hoarseness costs several billion dollars a year in lost productivity from people missing work. 专家认为,每年人们因为嘶哑而误工造成的产值损失达到几十亿美元。
Clinical Analysis of 62 Cases in Fibre Nasopharynx Laryngoscope in Hoarseness of Children 纤维鼻咽喉镜检查小儿声嘶62例临床分析
Causes and follow-up of patients with hoarseness caused by diseases from larynxs An Five Year Follow Up Study of 127 Patients with Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathies 46例声带麻痹患者的病因分析与随访127例未分化脊柱关节病五年随访
Functions of respiration and deglutition are good but existent hoarseness. 术后吞咽、呼吸功能恢复好,但有声音嘶哑。
Develop a smallpox, polio, rabies, etc vaccine Causes and follow-up of patients with hoarseness caused by diseases from larynxs 培养天花、小儿麻痹症、狂犬病等的疫苗.46例声带麻痹患者的病因分析与随访
Causes and treatment of lasting hoarseness after endotracheal intubation 气管插管后持续性声嘶的原因及其治疗
They are also advised not to give anti-reflux medicines for hoarseness unless they are sure patients need them. 他们同样也不被建议给病人防反流药物来治疗声音嘶哑,除非他们确定病人确实需要。
The synthetic application of three tests can estimate the hoarseness more correctly. 三者的综合应用,能更好地评价嗓音质量。
There is no cold, there was persistent sore throat, cough or hoarseness. 没有感冒,却出现持续性的咽喉痛,咳嗽或声音嘶哑。
And doctors are told that steroids or antibiotics given by mouth are not recommended for hoarseness. 医生们还被告知,口服给药服用类固醇或者抗生素来治疗嘶哑同样不被推荐。
Clinical Analysis on 163 Cases with Hoarseness under Move-Laryngoscope Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Flexible Laryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Early Vocal Cord Cancer 电视喉动态镜下163例声嘶患者声带振动和粘膜波的观察分析动态喉镜及纤维喉镜诊断早期声带癌价值比较
Symptoms of a viral infection with laryngitis can include hoarseness, swollen glands in the neck and sometimes fever. 病毒性喉炎的症状包括声音嘶哑、扁桃体肿胀,偶尔也会出现发烧。
Infections, smoking and using your voice too much, too loudly or just incorrectly can all cause hoarseness. 感染,吸烟和过多过大使用嗓子以及使用不当均会引起声音嘶哑。
Results The main symptoms of substemal goiter were asymptomatic cervical mass in20 patients, airway obstruction in6 ones, and hyperthyroidism and hoarseness in3 ones, respectively. 结果临床表现主要为无症状颈部肿物20例,颈部肿物伴随憋气6例,伴随甲亢和声音嘶哑各3例。