Without a word spoken, he hurried away, with his hoary head bending low. 他什么也没说,低着白发苍苍的头,匆匆地走了。
By striking a deal with the SEC and federal prosecutors, Ivan boesky avoided the hoary tactic of financiers in legal trouble& the quick flight to a country that will not extradite U.S. fugitives. 伊万•博伊斯基(证券内幕交易案犯译注)通过和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)以及联邦检察官达成协议,没有采取陷入法律纠纷的金融家们一贯使用的伎俩逃到不会引渡美国逃犯的国家。
And both have made heavy moves into an even more archaic form of web advertising& the hoary old display ad, introduced nearly two decades ago. 此外,两家公司都在网络广告方面大量使用古老的方式&历史悠久的展示广告,这是将近20年前的东西了。
On the one hand was sacred grave, on the other hoary locks. 一方面是座神圣的孤坟,一方面是满头的白发。
My friends are growing up day by day, and was young and the mature, how can I not had time to grow on the outline of the first to hoary? 我的朋友们正在一天天地长大,成熟并且风华正茂着,我怎么可以没来得及成长就率先苍老了轮廓?
Everyone seems to agree that it was refreshing to see two women presenting the latest series instead of the usual older man-younger woman combo, but Christmas sees the return of Sir Bruce Forsyth and his hoary gags. 每个人都更想看到在最新一季中,原先的老人-年轻女子的组合,被两个女人所取代,不过这个圣诞,布鲁斯福赛斯爵士要带着他的老段子回归了。
Some of this looks quite unlikely, particularly the hoary promise to complete the trade round and the new one to reach a climate agreement. 其中一些承诺看上去很难兑现,尤其是完成多哈回合贸易谈判的老承诺,以及达成气候变化协定的新承诺。
That hoary old chestnut should've been put to bed with the white australia policy. 这么老掉牙的东西还是和白澳政策一起塞到床底下去吧。
The mountain was silhouetted against the sky. Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous. 那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。
Aromatic shrub of arid regions of western North America having hoary leaves. 北美西部干旱地区的一种芳香灌木,叶灰白色。
The old man made a will yesterday. the hoary ruins of English abbeys 那老人昨天立了遗嘱。古老的英国寺院的遗迹
On cue, militant atheists trotted out their own hoary lines: vacuity of the god of the gaps, meaninglessness of the questions about the meaning of it all, and so on. 恰好在这时候,激进的无神论者提出了他们的古训:知识上的空白让人们空虚地迷恋上帝,对宇宙万物意义的追问其实毫无意义,等等。
Behind a fence of iron-tracery with Byzantine motifs, eight hoary olive trees attract the attention of the visitor as he enters the garden. 在拜占廷式铁制窗格栅栏后的八颗有如斑斑白发般的橄榄树,吸引观光客的注意,彷如置身园中一般。
A venerable building& grey, even in the midst of the hoary landscape. 一座尊严的建筑便是在一片白茫茫景色之中也很幽暗。
Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems. 这一句陈腐的话,虽然平时他并不喜欢,但这时候他却觉得它是解决这一切问题的妙法了!
A hoary old butler slowly opened the creaking door. 头发灰白的老男管家慢慢打开了嘎吱作响的门。
Jostling against one another under the domination of desires, who will think of lenient hoary mother? 在欲望的支配下彼此倾轧,有谁想到仁爱年老的母亲?
No matter what he talked about, he spoke in the cliches and hoary, stilted phrases of an old party manual. 他无论讲什么,总是那些陈词滥调,唱着从陈旧的党内手册中搬来的老掉牙的高调。
In the cold, mom with rickets waist, messy and hoary hair in old cheeks side flapping, my eyes flash fuzzy. 在寒风中,妈妈佝偻着腰,凌乱而花白的头发在苍老的脸颊旁飘扬着,我的视线顷刻间模糊了。
It also shows how the hoary old thesis and antithesis of genetics and upbringing combine in a most intriguing synthesis. 该论文同样揭示了遗传学和抚育的古老论题与其对立面如何在最复杂的综合体下发挥其综合作用。
Whose beard with age is hoar-Coleridge; nodded his hoary head. 上了年龄的花白的胡须-柯尔雷基;点了点他头发花白的脑袋。
If this is the case, impediments must be cleared, including hoary traditions or time-honoured demarcations that structure society. 若是这样,所有包括古老传统和界限的障碍物应被清除。
Tackling this hoary puzzle requires expertise in several fields, including cryptography, linguistics and medieval history. 要解决这个古老谜团,必须旁及好几个领域的专门知识,包括密码学、言学和中世纪历史等。
Genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting. 北温带地区的一个草本属,叶灰白;珠光香青。
As I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow ( Robert Southwell). 我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖(罗伯特·索恩韦尔)。
Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous. 古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。
When going in grow some v/ arc able-bodied man to wrap babushka, when they are answered already hoary head defends a margin even. 去时里长给有的壮丁裹头巾,他们回时已经白头还要去守边。
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew 尽管白露使田野显得凄怆
The hero of the epic poem was described as being hoary with age. 这部史诗的主人公被描绘成白发苍苍的老人。
In order to investigate the biological characteristics of Hoary Bamboo Rat, We had three tests for it. 为了研究银星竹鼠的生物学特性,本研究进行了3个试验。