Hobbits are experts at relaxation, often spending days reading or resting on the porch. 霍比特人在这方面可是专家,他们会用很多时间来阅读,在走廊上休息。
Hobbits value the natural world. 霍比特人很重视自然地世界。
Hobbits live off the earth, growing their own food and cooking it themselves. 霍比特人生活在这个星球上,他们会自己种植,自己制作食物。
Once upon a time, there was a kindly old wizard whose only concerns were pipe weed, hobbits and a gold ring that caused all kinds of trouble. 很久很久以前,有个和蔼的老巫师,他只关心烟斗草,霍比特人还有魔戒引起的各种麻烦。
Whether you want to travel to the land of the Hobbits, a galaxy far away or a tropical destination in a steamy romance novel is up to you. 不论你是想前往霍比特人的土地上体验一下,还是想畅游在一个很遥远的星系,或是去往爱情小说中的热带胜地,都取决于你自己。
The Hobbit by itself is a great little book, but the LOTR series adds epic drama to the world of the Hobbits. 《霍比特人》本身就是一部伟大著作,而由此延续的指环王系列则是史诗般的巨作。
And the little hobbits are jumping up and down on his bed. 那些小霍比特人在他的床上蹦来蹦去。
You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits. 你们在找两个小哈比人的脚印。
We are hobbits of the shire. 我们是夏尔国来的哈比人。
Later, he regrets his actions, and dies trying to save the hobbits from the Uruk-hai. 后来,他幡然悔悟,为救霍比特人而遭强兽人杀害。
Treebeard and the hobbits look around, seeing the remains of dead trees. 树须和霍比特人看周围,到处是死树的残余。
For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all. 不久的将来,哈比人将决定世界的命运。
Good is still cute, bad is still monstro-evil, the landscapes still green, the hobbits barefoot and dressed like Victorian squires, the warriors handsome, the milieu kitschy. 好人依然可爱,坏人依然丑怪邪恶,景色依然翠绿,光著脚的哈比人依然穿得像英国维多利亚时期的侍从。
From ponies, kittens, and ducks, to pirates, orks and hobbits, Front End Drupal is actually a "readable" book. 从小马,小猫,鸭子到海盗,半兽人还有霍比特人,前端Drupal绝对是一本值得一读的书。
The most common trick was to film hobbits from farther away than the other characters. 最常用的手法就是从比拍摄其他人物更远的距离拍摄霍比人。
They are taking the hobbits to lsengard. 他们要把哈比人带到艾辛格。
Little Hobbits do not belong in war, master meriadoc. 哈比族人不属于这场战争,梅利。
He had not been down that way under The Hill for ages and ages, not since his friend the Old Took died, in fact, and the hobbits had almost forgotten what he looked like. 他已经有很多很多年没有经过小丘这一带了,自从他的好友老图克过世之后他也跟着销声匿迹,大伙几乎已忘记他的长相了。
Hobbits really are amazing creatures. 哈比族真是最令人惊讶的种族。
Legolas is not surprised to know about hobbits, but then, he has already met Bilbo and dealt with gollum. 莱格拉斯也知道霍比特人,这并不奇怪,但那个时候,他已经见过贝尔博而且抓过格鲁姆。
One thing I have learned about hobbits. 关于霍比特人我知道了一件事。
Small and seemingly powerless, the little hobbits show just how strong spiritual power can be. 这个小霍比特人看似渺小无力,却表现出无比强大的精神力量。
Gandalf: ( shakes head in disgust) Hobbits. Randal Graves: Those Hobbit movies were boring as hell! 刚多尔夫:(无奈地摇摇头)霍比特人。那些霍比特人电影实在是太无聊了!
Chambers hastens to add that Hobbits aren't her only hobby. 钱伯斯赶忙补充说,哈比人是不是她唯一的嗜好。