He got up slowly and hobbled over to the coffee table 他慢慢地站起来,一瘸一拐地走到咖啡桌旁。
The old man hobbled across the road. 老人一瘸一拐地穿过马路。
As for Europe, the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets. 就欧洲而言,这块年迈的大陆被缺乏弹性的产品和劳工市场拖得步履阑珊。
Now a life long hobbled by addiction is, like so many others here, consumed by fear. 现在,与这里的许多人一样,因为上瘾而长期受到困扰的生活已经被恐惧吞噬。
Productive investment in mining and manufacturing has been hobbled for years. 采矿业和制造业的生产性投资多年来萎靡不振。
Critics of the Chinese film system say the selections are capricious and hobbled by censorship restrictions. 中国电影体系的批评者们称,这样的挑选很随意,而且受到审查制度的限制。
The poor old dog hobbled off with his master. 那条可怜的老狗一瘸一瘸地跟着主人走了。
The hobbled skirt obliged you to take smaller steps all my movements became constricted. 穿着窄窄的裙子,你只能将步子迈小一点我的动作幅度都变小了。
The global economy is being hobbled by a new generation of zombies, the economic walking dead. 全球经济正受到新一代僵尸(经济学意义上的活死人)的拖累。
Failures of intermediation have hobbled many economies over the decades, most conspicuously Japan in the 1990s. 几十年来,金融中介的失灵曾让许多经济体步履蹒跚,最为引人注目的是上世纪90年代时的日本。
I saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this, all on my way to school. 上学路上,我看见一位年迈、怜的老妇人,她这样跋行。
If news gets in US legal trouble, it could be hobbled before justice is done. 如果新闻集团在美国遭遇法律上的麻烦,它可能会在公正判决得出之前就被拖垮。
He wanted to faint from humiliation and pain, but he scrambled to his feet and hobbled off. 他又羞又痛,差点又晕厥过去,可是一咬牙挣扎着爬起身来,摇摇晃晃走开了。
Du Toit hobbled along stiffly on her artificial leg, No.23 written on her back and both arms. 杜托伊特戴着一条假腿,蹒跚起来,姿态有些僵硬。背上和胳膊上写着她的号码,23号。
And although the BMW1 Series has an excellent road-test score, it is hobbled by terrible reliability. 而且,尽管宝马1系在路试中得分优秀,它却受累于糟糕的可靠性。
European businesses are also hobbled by red tape. 欧洲企业还受困于各种繁文缛节。
Hamper the action or progress of; the chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean. 行动或进展;主席受到全能的主任的牵制。
Finally, in 1991, came another huge change: the decision by Indian leaders to move away from the regulation and protectionism that had hobbled the Indian economy since independence. 最后,在1991年,发生了另一个巨大的变化:印度领导人决定摆脱自独立以来一直束缚印度经济发展的管制和保护主义。
In fact, I hobbled past two people in the last two laps. 事实上,在最后两圈我还卯足了劲儿超越了两名选手。
She rose and hobbled to me on her paralytic legs and kissed me. 她站起来,拖着她那麻痹的双腿一瘸一拐地走到我身边,吻了吻我。
A man hobbled into the office pushing a vibrant-looking woman in a wheelchair. 一个男人慢慢的推着轮椅上一个漂亮的女人进来办公室。
The boys were calling the old lady names as she hobbled up the street. 老妇人跚蹒着在街上走时,男孩子们谩骂她。
Suddenly the door opened and an old woman, leaning on a crutch, hobbled out. 门突然开了,一个老太婆拄着拐棍儿,摇摇摆摆地走出来。
It was hobbled first by incompetence and internal dissension. 开始时,它由于无能和内部纠纷而行动缓慢。
The non-oil economy has been hobbled too. 非石油经济也受到了束缚。
The emergence of pan-Asian platforms is hobbled by different rules and regulations in the various markets. 各个市场不同的规章制度抑制了泛亚平台的出现。
The horse has been hobbled so that he can't run away. 那马的脚被绑住了,所以它无法逃走。
Fifteen minutes later, I hobbled to the kitchen for a glass of water. 十五分钟过后,我一瘸一拐的走向厨房想要拿一瓶水。
Such perceived deficiencies have hobbled his ability to cajole China with any real conviction. 这样的缺陷束缚了奥巴马以切实可信的言语笼络中国的能力。