His hobnail boots clattered on the stone floor 他那双钉了铁掌的靴子在石地板上嗒嗒响。
Hobnail, of iron or stee hook nail of iorn or steel, copper-head 带铜头的钩钉,铁或钢制
At 71 he faced the canvas, scrawny, grey-naked, palette and brush in hand, with just a pair of unlaced hobnail boots on his feet. 他71岁,面对着画布,骨瘦如柴,裸体,身显灰色,手中握着调色板和画笔,只穿着一双未系鞋带的带平头钉底的靴子。
These cysts are lined by epithelium with eosinophilic cytoplasm and a hobnail morphology, and there is often ovarian-like stroma. 囊壁由含有嗜酸性胞浆的上皮围成,上皮细胞呈鞋钉状,常常有卵巢样间质。
The epithelial elements were variable in cell types including cuboidal, hobnail and columnar cells. 上皮细胞可呈立方状、柱状、鞋钉样;
Papillary thyroid carcinoma with prominent hobnail features: a new aggressive variant of moderately differentiated papillary carcinoma. 鞋钉样特征显著的甲状腺乳头状癌:中分化乳头状癌一种新的侵袭性亚型。
Clearly they are clear cells, hobnail growths. 很明显这是透明细胞,鞋钉样细胞生长。
In my time players had short hair, wore long shorts, and played in hobnail boots. 我那个时代,球员们留短发,穿长裤和平头钉的鞋。