VERB (尤指和权贵人物)厮混,过从甚密 If you disapprove of the way in which someone is spending a lot of time with a group of people, especially rich and powerful people, you can say that he or she is hobnobbing with them.
This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company's president, board chairman, and leading executives. 这使得比尔有机会和公司的总裁、董事长以及那些主要行政主管们厮混在一起。
That success has helped make Jack Ma a kind of celebrity C.E.O., an executive comfortable hobnobbing with business moguls in Davos, leading tours of his company for China's political elite and promoting the Wisdom of Jack Ma in books and on DVDs. 这种成功已经让马云变成了某种明星CEO,一位能够在达沃斯与商界巨头谈笑风生的高管,他曾带领中国的高官参观自己的企业,并通过图书和DVD宣传马云的智慧。
But simply hobnobbing with the powerful isn't important. 但是单单和实权人物打交道并不重要。
I've been hobnobbing with the directors at the office party. 我在公司宴会上一直跟董事们相酬酢。
They nearly always say no, but add that the point is the hobnobbing. 每一次他们几乎都说没有,但补充称,开会的目的在于社交。
There was pete, hobnobbing with all the important guests. 与所有重要来宾交往密切,皮特就是这种人。
For the moment at least, the Bush administration seems far more excited by hobnobbing with senior French and Germans than it is by Mr Blair's successor as British prime minister, Gordon Brown. 至少到目前,相对于布莱尔先生的接班人英国首相戈登·布朗,布什政府更愿意和法德两国的高层人士亲近。
Edgar says," I know plenty ( I know many) hard-working people who aren't hobnobbing with the rich and famous. " 埃德加说,“我认识很多人,他们并不认识有名有钱的人,但是他们努力工作。”
After hobnobbing with the adults for a time, though, Carmen Elcira had grown bored and retreated to the laundry room. 与那些成年人一顿闲聊之后,卡门埃里西亚感到有些乏味,又转回到洗衣间里去了。
Dave's been hobnobbing with the directors of the company recently. 戴夫近来和公司董事交往密切。
Our responsibilities would include making daily trips to the construction site, attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and hobnobbing. 我们的任务包括每天前往施工现场,参加剪彩仪式,出席饭局。
I know plenty of hard-working people who aren't hobnobbing with the rich and famous. 我知道很多艰苦工作的人,他们不认识有钱出名的人。
While the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase was busy hobnobbing with corporate and government leaders in China, students at Syracuse University opposed the decision to pick him as graduation day speaker. 就在这位摩根大通(jpmorganchase)首席执行官忙着应酬中国商界及政界领袖时,美国雪城大学(syracuseuniversity)学生对挑选他作为毕业典礼演讲人的决定表示了反对。
You ask if you can advance without hobnobbing. 你问道,如果不与同事对酌交谈,是否能够晋升。