That city, of course is home to a branch of the wernham Hogg paper company from the original British version of the office, and to its office manager, David Brent. 这座城市正是英国原创电视连续剧《办公室》(TheOffice)中造纸商WernhamHogg的一家分公司所在地,也是分公司经理戴维•布伦特的家乡。
His statement has gone a little further than similar attempts to clarify his position two weeks ago, but is unlikely to satisfy all his critics abroad, the BBC's Chris Hogg in Tokyo says. BBC驻东京记者克里斯·霍格(ChrisHogg)表示,这一声明比起安倍两周前为表明立场所做的类似努力似乎有进一步的发展,但仍不大可能满足国外的所有批评者。
B: Good to see you, Mr. Wang. This is my colleague, Mr. Hogg, David Hogg. 很高兴见到你昌河汽车王先生。这是我的同事,豪格先生热血江湖武器大卫-豪格。
Here's the key to boss hogg's office. 这是霍格老板办公室的钥匙。
Hogg has been paying that kid Prickett a lot of money. 看来霍格付了那个普瑞克特小子好多钱。
As part of the exhibit, the diversity of Botswana, Mauritius, Namibia, and South Africa is expressed through the lenses of photographers John Hogg and Arne Hoel. 此次展览中,摄影师JohnHogg和ArneHoel用相机描绘了博茨瓦纳、毛里求斯、纳米比亚和南非的多样性。
Hogg raises Lewis'arm high, Lewis wears the belt. 约翰·霍格高举起刘易斯的手。刘易斯戴上了腰带。
For the past 20 years, China has been a passenger in drug development but that is beginning to change, Mr Hogg told the Financial Times. 贺隽告诉英国《金融时报》:过去20年,中国一直是药物开发领域的乘客,但这点正开始发生变化。
Go see mamma Hogg at the medical center. 在典当行询问的来历。
Why is there a picture of boss Hogg on your car, though? 不过为什么你车身上印着霍格老板的照片啊?
She followed in the footsteps of such illustrious names as Rab Butter, Quintin Hogg, and her political mentor, Sir Edward Boyle. 她在步那些著名人物的后尘,如拉布·巴特勒,昆廷·霍格和她政治良师爱德华·博伊尔。
Aand how do you like china, Mr hogg? 你觉得中国怎么样,豪格先生?
The voters weren't too happy when they learned what Hogg was up to. 选民们知道真相后很不高兴。
Tens of thousands of fireworks and lasers then lit up the city's riverfront-in what organisers promised would be the biggest-ever multimedia event, the BBC's Chris Hogg in Shanghai says. 成千上万的烟花和镭射灯光也全部盛放在黄浦江上,在那里主办方表示将会有迄今为止世界上最大的多媒体表演。
The difference between phenotypic selection and TBV selection of ram hogg reached a significant level. 育成公羊依据表型值选择与依据综合育种值选择的结果差异极显著;
Two experiments were conducted by using culling hogg and adult sheep to investigate the effects of feed with some slow-releasing urea replacing some feed protein and different nutritional levels on fatting sheep. 用淘汰育成绵羊和成年绵羊同时进行两个试验,分别研究用缓释尿素替代部分饲料蛋白质和以不同饲养水平肥育绵羊的效果。