The sort of deployment mechanism, hold-down and release mechanism, and their general situation are summarized in this paper. 介绍了大型构件伸展与锁(压)紧释放机构的国内外发展概况及主要分类形式。
Research on the Hold-Down System of Rolling Mill Simulation Based on Adams radial bearing lower drive sub 基于ADAMS的轧机压下传动装置动态仿真下部径向轴承传动接头
The construction, force calculation and motor power calculation are described in the article for the hold-down system in plate mills. 论述中板轧机压下装置的组成及结构、力的计算、电机功率的计算。
Handle assembly is removed by loosening bolt and pulling upward. Remove the two hold-down bolts and lift index plate from valve. 通过松懈螺栓并拔出方法拆卸手柄总成。拆卸两个紧固螺栓,提起阀门上的刻度板。
Remove the two hold-down bolts and lift index plate from valve. 拆卸两个紧固螺栓,提起阀门上的刻度板。
The soft release mechanism in a controlled hold-down and release system was discussed in this paper and an upper bound model of the soft release mechanism was presented. 文章以一种新型强制式牵制释放系统为例,建立了分析该系统中减载缓释机构缓释特性的上限模型。
10t Hydraulic Winch with Automatic Cable-arranging and Cable Hold-down System 具有自动排绳和压绳系统的10吨液压绞盘
In order to improve the launching reliability, the hold-down and release system will be adopted in the launch vehicle in the future. 为了提高发射可靠性,我国未来的运载火箭中拟采用牵制释放系统。
Calculations of the Hold-down Force of the Diaphragm Spring Clutch 膜片弹簧离合器压紧力设计计算
The scrubbing and grinding method for machining extra slender shaft with spherical end was put forward. The principle of scrubbing and grinding was expounded, and the arc rubbing block, feeding device and hold-down mechanism have been designed. 提出了用搓削法加工球头超细长轴,阐述了搓削加工原理,重点设计了加工设备中的弧形磨块、送料装置和压紧机构。
The soft release mechanism in a controlled hold-down and release system proposed recently was discussed in this paper and a finite element and rigid-body mixed model was put forward to analyze its release characteristic during launch vehicle liftoff. 以一种新提出的新型强制式牵制释放系统为例,建立了分析运载火箭缓释放过程中缓释特性的有限元&刚体混合模型。
It is also pointed out that the side force of the stretching joint due to position change shall be taken as the design basis of pipeline hold-down supports. 指出伸缩节的变位反力是管道固定支座设计的依据,并对侧向力与内压力的关系进行了分析论证。
The properties of torque-transferring behavior and loading behavior of intermediate pressure plate are obtained by analysis of the relationship between hold-down force, disengagement force and the path of clutch. 离合器特性主要指离合器的摩擦盘负荷特性及离合器扭矩传递特性。分析了离合器的工作压紧力、分离力以及离合器的行程之间的关系,得出了这些特性。
Estimation and experimental verification of the hold-down force in a deep-drawing conic part of Al-clad steel sheet 钢铝复合层压板锥形件拉深压边力的估算与工艺试验
The technology of hold-down and release is an effective measure to increase security in the process of launch vehicle taking off. 牵制释放技术是一种在运载火箭发射过程中提高发射成功率的有效技术。
As the hold-down system of rolling mill virtual prototyping research is a long-term, complicated, arduous and painstaking work, the research is only on its exploratory research. 由于轧机压下系统的虚拟样机研究是一项长期、复杂,艰巨而细致的工作,本文的研究工作仅是对其进行探索性的研究。
Taking into account the importance and complexity of hold-down system in the rolling mill, it is particularly important to analyze its dynamics. 考虑到压下系统在整个轧制过程中的重要性以及压下系统运动的复杂性,分析其动力学特性显得尤为重要。