Processes and services, while dependent upon each other, do not follow the same lifecycle, yet they still need to holistically, together, support changing business objectives. 流程和服务尽管彼此依赖,但它们没有相同的生命周期,它们仍然需要像过去一样共同支持不断变化的业务目标。
This lets us see more of the whole picture, look at problems more holistically, and take corrective action sooner. 这使得我们可以看到更多的整体画面,更轻松地查看问题,更快地采取适当的行动。
They'll understand their role much more holistically in the context of other people's roles across the organization, not just within IT. 在跨越组织的人员角色的环境中,不仅仅是在IT组织中,他们将更加全面的理解他们的角色。
Program management is a very special type of project management that deals with projects holistically; while at the same time being knowledgeable about the projects'individual performance. 计划管理是非常特殊类型的项目管理,它整体地处理项目,同时了解项目的个别表现。
Yes, people do read in China to enrich their bank accounts, but not to enrich themselves holistically. 是的,中国人会通过读书来使银行账户充实,但是却没有让自己全面地丰盈起来。
As a result, a cottage industry has appeared that churns out thick volumes that have nothing between the covers, perfect for decoration. Yes, people do read in China to enrich their bank accounts, but not to enrich themselves holistically. 所以,制作砖头书的家庭手工业出现了,砖头书只有封面,没有内容,最合适装饰。是的,中国人会通过读书来使银行账户充实,但是却没有让自己全面地丰盈起来。
Give them access to the training and learning they need to move both vertically and horizontally. Let them experience the company holistically and build a lasting bond. 同时还要给予他们调岗晋升所需的学习和培训,让他们感受到公司的历史发展,与公司建立持久的纽带。
Individually, they may be strong, but when you put them together and use them holistically, they're unbreakable. 逐一看来,它们或许很强,但当你把它们放在一起,宏观地及加以运用,它们就牢不可破。
Thomas Lodi, M.D., is a medical doctor of24 years'experience who treats cancer patients holistically and with great success. 托马斯洛迪,医学博士,是24年经验的医生,谁对待癌症病人的角度并取得了巨大成功。
But for all the support for fiscal action, economists were far from confident that either such a boost or support for broken banks were likely to provide a silver bullet for the economic problems, saying theyhad to be addressed holistically. 但尽管支持采取财政行动,但经济学家并不认为此类措施或为破产银行提供支持可能为经济问题提供万能药,他们表示,这些问题必须综合加以解决。
The landscape architect facilitated a phased and flexible implementation over a10-year period, looking holistically at development, circulation, energy, conservation and amenities. 园林设计师一直分阶段地灵活促进着这项为期10年的计划的实施,以历史的眼光关注着发展、循环、能源、保护和舒适。
On the other hand, it is holistically detrimental for the society if the mass media pay too much focus on famous few so as to ignore the rest of the individuals. 事实上,在很大程度上是大众而不是媒体过分关注名人的生活。很多大众传媒界的组织由于其固有的商业性而为商业目的所驱动。
A holistically trained veterinarian can prescribe further Chinese Herbal remedies; many have been shown to be very effective. 一个整体训练的兽医可以给你开进一步的中国草药,许多已被证明是非常有效的。
The last chapter brings forth our comment on the metaphysics of Tang Jun-Yi holistically. 论文最后部分,从整体上对唐先生的形上学进行省察。
The people are more likely to discuss birth spacing and request contraception when reproductive health issues are presented more holistically. 人们更愿意讨论生育间隔问题,并在对生殖卫生问题有更全面的了解后要求采取避孕措施。
With such feverish growth taking place, it is essential to think of infrastructure holistically. 正是因为如此剧烈的增长,从整体、综合的角度来看待基础设施才显得尤为重要。
Holistic admission practices refer to a way of looking at a student holistically, and not just looking individually at different components. 整体评估录取的做法是一种从整体上考察学生的方式,而不是孤立地考察各个程序。
In diagnosis, Chinese medicine differentiates patterns and syndromes holistically, whereas western medicine categorizes symptoms as diseases and classifies them by their bio-chemical structures. 在诊断方法上,中医学强调整体观和辨证观,而西医学则通过理化指标等检测手段将症状归类为不同的疾病。
Menu items and dialogs, when they are translated, need to be considered holistically. It is important to make sure that translated interfaces remain coherent as a whole. 在翻译菜单项和对话框时,需要全盘考虑,确保翻译的界面保持整体的一致性很重要。
The industry has a way to go to build the dream structure in which compensation is appropriate and fair and works holistically as part of a well-balanced food chain adding value to all stakeholders. 行业还需走过一段长路,才能建立理想的薪酬结构。在这一体系中,薪酬水平适当而且公平,作为均衡食物链一部分全面发挥作用,为所有利益相关者增加价值。
Innovation education should become a new view of quality education. Especially, takes innovating teaching as breakthrough of education information, drives the development of basic education holistically, promotes the implementation of quality education roundly. 创新教育理应成为素质教育的一种新境界,特别是选择创新性教学为教育改革的突破口,可以整体带动基础教育的发展,全面促进素质教育的实施。
If English classroom needs to be studied more holistically, it can be studied from the ecological angle. 如果试图更加完整地考察英语课堂,可以从生态学的角度对英语课堂进行研究。
Secondly, use diagram methods to grasp the knowledge venation holistically ( abstract); 二,通过图表法从整体上把握知识脉络(即抽象);
This paper has choose the suffering as the subject which has little been touched by other people, and it tries to pay attention to and discuss the suffering poetics holistically from some aspects such as humanism karma, the structure and the historic value of the suffering poetics. 本文选取前人涉及较少的苦痛作为研究对象,试图从苦痛诗学的人文因缘、苦痛诗学的构架和苦痛诗学的历史价值这几个方面对王国维的苦痛诗学作一整体的观照与论述。
After reviewing the literature of SWB, the present work tries to explore the SWB systemically and holistically with the incorporation of the new direction of implicit SWB, and with the new methods in research of implicit social cognition. 本研究试图从内隐幸福感这一新视角出发,整合当前幸福感领域的研究进展,结合内隐社会认知领域在理论和方法上的前沿成果,对幸福感进行系统性的研究和探索。
One of the important and key problems is how to analyze and solve the questions such as network safety, information jam of Internet holistically, to promote the ordered development of Internet. 其中一个重要而且关键的问题是如何从整体上分析和解决Internet的网络安全、信息堵塞等问题,从而推动Internet的有序发展。
People expect to take the urban development under control holistically by urban design, beside, use the elevation of buildings to enrich city image, thereby creating a quality living environment. 人们希望通过城市设计的手段,从整体上控制和引导城市形态的发展,并利用建筑立面的表现力来丰富城市形象,创造优质的生活环境。
Paradigm shift is a revolutionary process during which the philosophical viewpoints, theoretical system, research norms and methodology change holistically, among which the pattern of thinking changes first, so to speak, the philosophical viewpoints change. 范式的转换,是哲学观点、理论体系、研究规范和研究方法进行整体性改变的一种革命过程,其中首先是思维方式的改变,或者说哲学观点的改变。
The paper analyzes the Library information service model holistically and carefully, to pave the way for the study of library knowledge map. The paper explores the applications for knowledge map in the library information service mode. 论文从整体角度对图书馆信息服务模式进行了详细的分析,为图书馆知识地图的研究作出铺垫,并对知识地图在图书馆信息服务模式中的应用进行了探讨。
Based on these, from the view of system think, this dissertation regards firm incentive mechanism as a holistically organic system, and makes innovative and exploring research on the internal structure and dynamic functions of incentive mechanism. 基于此,本文从系统思想出发,将企业激励机制视为一个整体有机系统,对激励机制的内部结构和动态运行展开创新性和探索性研究。