I cooked artichokes with hollandaise sauce, which is melted butter that's been whipped into a frenzy with egg yolks until it's died and gone to heaven. 我做了洋蓟配荷兰辣酱油,酱汁里加了与蛋黄一起疯狂搅拌充分入味的黄油。
Some other foods that should be avoided until the recall is over include homemade items like Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, ice cream, custard, Hollandaise sauce and egg drop soup. 有些食物-包括自制食品-在本次召回停止前应当避免食用,比如凯撒酱,蛋黄酱,冰淇淋,奶油,荷兰寿司和鸡蛋酱汤等。
In German-speaking countries people go absolutely bananas during the months of april, may and June to have their fair share of white asparagus with sauce hollandaise. 在德语国家,人们在六月份绝对会疯狂地去购买自己那份白芦笋,再配上蛋黄奶油酸辣酱。
Toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg ( or an oyster) and hollandaise sauce. 烘烤的英国松饼,上覆有火腿、水煮荷包蛋(或牡蛎)和荷兰辣酱油。