They wore casques without horse-tails, and cuirasses of beaten iron, with horse-pistols in their holsters, and long sabre-swords. 他们头戴无缨铁盔,身穿铁甲,枪橐里带着短枪和长剑。早晨全军的人已经望着他们羡慕过一番了。
Workers installed hundreds of miles of wiring along and behind stadium seats to connect the pixel paddles, which were tucked into holsters on the back of each seat. 工人们沿着体育场座椅布放了长达数百英里的线缆,座椅后面也布了线,用来连接观众手中的像素显示屏。
Beijing BB might have some holsters, different box etc 北京会场版坏机器人可能会有手枪套,此外盒子不同
Indeed, he had already assembled two realistic-looking holsters. 的确,他已经做了两个看上去很真实的枪套。
Cell phone holsters can be worn across your shoulder like a policeman or on your belt. 手机皮套横跨你可以穿上你的肩膀如警察或带。
"Duty Rigs" are defined as holsters and allied equipment issued to active law enforcement officers or military personnel as standard equipment while on duty. 的定义为现役的执法或军方人员在执行勤务时所使用的制式枪套及相关装备。
This is the new holsters they gave us at work. 这是他们给我们工作用的新的武装带。
Holsters shall be able to retain an unloaded handgun during the following tests. 枪套必须在以下测试中有能力留持住一把未上膛的手枪。
If a competitor holsters a firearm during the course of fire, the following will apply. 如果选手在比赛中将枪枝收回枪套,应适用下列条件。
Holsters and other competitor equipment 枪套及其它选手的装备
The Dimension of Policy-making and Implementation: on Trisection of Administration Power; "Duty Rigs" are defined as holsters and allied equipment issued to active law enforcement officers or military personnel as standard equipment while on duty. 决策与执行的分合限度:行政三分制分析「勤务枪套」的定义为现役的执法或军方人员在执行勤务时所使用的制式枪套及相关装备。
Then I got a glimpse of their shoulder holsters when they leaned on the counter to look at the map. 后来他们在餐台上俯身查看地图的时候,我瞥见了他们肩上的手枪皮套。