After four hot-cakes, eight strips of bacon, and all but two small glassfuls of the pitcher of milk, I complained of hunger, so she made me three eggs and a half loaf of toast from home-baked bread. 吃完四个煎饼,八条熏肉,牛奶喝得只剩两小杯后,我还在嚷饿,于是她又给我做了三个蛋,并拿家里烤的面包做了半条吐司。
They want to have it all: the job, the children, the home-baked cookies. 工作、孩子和自家烘的曲奇,一样不少,她们都想要。
An ideal family is a non-working wife, the caring, nurturing mother who greets children after school with a plate of home-baked cookies. 理想的家庭里有一个不上班的妻子,她关心、教育孩子,每天用一盘自制的曲奇饼迎接放学回家的孩子。
Home-made bread smells of something more than bread, and home-baked potato smelled the solely taste of potato: earthy and baked. 家里自制的面包有种别样的香味,而自己烤的土豆把土豆香发挥到了极致。
Subjects with tolerance to heated, but not unheated, milk continued to receive heated store-bought or home-baked products containing milk for3 months and were then reassessed. 能耐受加热过的,但是不能耐受未加热的牛奶的被试者,连续给予商店购买的加热过的或家中烘烤过的含奶的制品3个月,然后对其重新评估。