International Homoeopathic Medical League The therapeutic effect of divided cisplatin and docetaxel in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer 顺铂分次应用联合多西他赛治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌疗效观察
The council also plans to undertake a third study on the impact of homoeopathic medicines, when given in combination with allopathic anti-AIDS drugs, on AIDS patients. 现在委员会正计划进行第三个项目研究,这个项目最大的特点是对经抗AIDS药物治疗的艾滋病患者进行顺势疗法。
History: Preparations made from the flowering heads have been used in homoeopathic medicine for hundreds of years. 历史:头花筹备工作所取得的已使用多年的顺势疗法药物的数以百计。