Some countries, including with 173; in the EU, have passed equality laws protecting against discrimination and homophobic bullying. 包括欧盟(EU)国家在内的一些国家已通过涉及平等的法律,保护同性恋者不受歧视和恐同欺凌。
But we should equally be far from complacent about the challenges that remain – and I am just as committed as ever to working with you to challenge attitudes and stamp-out homophobic bullying and hate crimes. 但我们也不能因此沾沾自喜,因为前路仍然充满挑战。我承诺将会一如既往地同大家一起应对挑战,消除因歧视同性恋而导致的欺凌和仇恨态度及犯罪行为。
This can create difficulties if an employee feels forced to accept a posting to a country with homophobic laws. 如果员工觉得不得不接受调派到一个有恐同法律的国家工作,这个问题可能会对他造成困扰。
Companies must offer guidance on challenging homophobic behaviour. 在挑战厌恶同性恋的行为方面,企业必须提供指引。
The impersonator started arguments with LinkedIn contacts, and sent racist abuse and homophobic rants. 该冒名者和linkedin上的联系人展开舌战,还散布种族歧视和反同性恋言论。
In this dance-for-camera work, three Singaporean artists respond to the homophobic diatribes of a member of parliament which forms the soundscape to this video. 在这部舞蹈实验片中,三个新加坡的表演艺术家对一位国会成员对同性恋的恶性言辞进行的回应构建了本片的音响风暴。
When he walked down the street, he said, in every block he was accosted by homophobic people. 他说,当他走在街上时,;在每个街区,都有些敌视同性恋的人找他麻烦。
There are, no doubt, still nomination committees that secretly believe women cannot hack it, just as there must be some top executives who are still quietly racist and homophobic. 毫无疑问,一些公司的董事任命委员会私下里依然认为,女性难成大事,就像肯定会有一些最高层管理者私下里依然是种族主义者并且憎恶同性恋一样。
Acrophobia, or fear of great heights. It is not in the least bit of homophobic. 恐高症或对高处的恐惧这跟同性恋恐惧症哪里粘得上一点边?
I am gay and find it absurd that you think that holding gay people accountable for their actions could be construed as homophobic. 我是个同性恋,我觉得,你认为让同性恋对他们的行为负责就是同性恋恐惧症,这种想法很荒谬。
Furthermore, he's gay – I fear that to confront the tears would make me seem homophobic. 另外,他是个同性恋&我担心,如果我无视他的眼泪,会让我看上去有同性恋恐惧症似的。
You're a homophobic little bitch, you know that? 你是个仇视同性恋的小婊子,知道吗?
The novel shows how her subjectivity is shaped by the discrimination and violence she experiences in a homophobic society, and by the love she finds among lesbians. 小说表明她在一个恐惧同性恋的社会里所经历的歧视与暴力以及她在女同性恋中找到的爱情如何塑造了她的主体性。