A New Solution to Boltzmann Equation of Dilute Solid-liquid Two-phase Flows with Homotopy Analysis Method 低浓度固液两相流Boltzmann方程的同伦分析方法解
Homotopy is a concept of algebra topology, and homotopy algorithm has been applied to solving the practical problems. 同伦是代数拓扑学中的概念,同伦算法已应用于一些工程实际问题的求解。
Some Applications of the Homotopy Perturbation Method to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations 同伦摄动方法在非线性微积分方程中的某些应用
A homotopy continuation algorithm is proposed to deal with parallel computation for this eigenvalue problem. 首次将连续同伦算法应用于非对称广义特征值问题的并行求解,提出并行连续同伦算法。
Aggregate Homotopy Methods for Min-Max-Min Programming with Applications in Data Mining min-max-min规划的凝聚同伦方法及其在数据挖掘中的应用
Homotopy Analysis Method for Multi-degree of Freedom Nonlinear Systems 多自由度非线性系统的同伦分析方法
Homotopy method for solving the fixed point problem on unbounded set Brouwer 解无界集上Brouwer不动点问题的同伦方法
We prove that when the homotopy map is a regular map, the K-K-T point obtained from this homotopy method must be a local optimal solution by choosing proper homotopy equation. 证明了同伦映射为正则映射的条件下,选取合适的同伦方程,用此同伦方法得到的K-K-T点一定是问题局部最优解。
The inverse matrix calculation is the key to solve harmonic elimination PWM model of inverter based on Homotopy algorithm. 在运用同伦算法进行逆变器PWM消谐方程实时求解过程中,矩阵求逆是关键。
Eigenvalue Analysis on Homotopy Function Based Frequency Stability of Wind Power System 基于同伦函数的风电系统频率稳定特征值分析
Modified Homotopy Interior Point Method to Solve Nonlinear Programming Problems 改进的同伦内点方法求解非线性规划问题
Recently, a combined homotopy interior point method ( denoted as CHIP method for convenience) was presented to solve a class of nonlinear programming problems. 最近学者们提出了组合同伦内点法(简记为CHIP方法)去求解一类非线性规划问题。
By Lee symmetry of the theory, the approach is given to select the auxiliary operator of a linear in homotopy analysis method. 本文通过李对称的理论给出了同伦分析方法中选取辅助线性算子L的一个方法。
Symmetry of Homotopy Classes of Feynman Paths in Two-Dimensional Multiply Connected Spaces and Quantization of Angular Momentum 在二维多连通空间弗曼路径积分同伦类的对称性及角动量量子化
Nonlinear Least Squares Adjustment Based on Improved Homotopy Algorithm 基于改进同伦算法的非线性最小二乘平差
The Shock Solution to A Class of the Nonlinear Equations by the Homotopy Analysis Method 一类非线性方程激波解的同伦分析方法
Homotopy analysis approach to the Duffing-harmonic oscillator Homotopy method for solving the fixed point problem on unbounded set Brouwer Duffing-harmonic振子同伦分析法求解解无界集上Brouwer不动点问题的同伦方法
Also, it introduces in detail the combined homotopy method and corresponding example are given. 简述了同伦连续方法的发展概况及基本原理,详细介绍组合同伦算法并给出了算例。
Homotopy interior point method for non-convex optimization problem with weak pseudo cone condition 解非凸优化问题的一个同伦内点方法
This paper deals with the problem of identifying ARMAX model using homotopy approach. 论述了采用同伦法辨识ARMAX模型的问题。
Prediction-correction homotopy continuation method for high-dimension Hopf bifurcation point tracking 基于预测-校正的同伦延拓法追踪高维Hopf分岔点研究
Based on the homotopy idea, an improved homotopy algorithm was proposed in order to search a more efficient algorithm for nonlinear least squares adjustment. 为了寻求一种更有效的非线性最小二乘平差算法,根据同伦思想提出了一种改进的同伦算法。
Homotopy Methods to Solve Nonlinear Differential Equations of Boundary-value Problem 同伦方法求解非线性微分方程边值问题
Solving solitary wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations with the homotopy analysis method; 利用同伦分析方法,得到了该模型解的近似表达式。
Periodic solutions for parametric excitation buckled thin plate system solved by homotopy analysis method 参数激励非自治薄板系统周期解的同伦分析方法
The Minimax Model for Portfolio Selection and Truncated Aggregate Homotopy Algorithm 投资组合的极大极小模型与截断凝聚同伦算法
The loop space functor and the suspension functor preserve the properties of homotopy regular; 由此,得到了比现有文献中闭路函子和同纬函子保持同伦正则性更为一般的结果。
In this paper, the sixth-order approximate analytical solutions of the strong nonlinear oscillation with positive damping are obtained by using newly developed homotopy analysis method. 阐述利用最新提出的同伦分析方法求解有正阻尼的强非线性振动方程,得到了该方程的六阶近似解析解。
We defined the new quasi-cone condition, established the homotopy equation and proved the global convergence of this homotopy method. 通过对可行域定义新的拟锥条件,给出相应同伦方程,并证明此同伦算法在此拟锥条件下具有全局收敛性。