The horses 'hooves often could not get a proper grip. 马蹄经常会打滑。
Leather overshoes were put on the horses 'hooves to stop them marking the turf 马蹄上套了皮套子,以免弄脏赛马场。
The cloven hooves are sharp edged, elastic and concave. 蹄锋利,呈凹形,富有弹性。
He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path. 他听到了一阵模糊而又持续的、有节奏的马蹄声正从上冻的小路上缓缓传来。
Trophies, museum pieces, bones, hooves, horns and antlers, teeth, claws and goods containing such items. 纪念品、博物馆展品、兽骨、蹄、角、鹿角,牙、爪和含此类项目的物品。
Sparks flew from the hooves of the rider's unholy steed. 骑士那邪恶的战马四蹄迸溅出火星。
The horse has hooves to protect its feet so as able to gallop steadily on the snow-covered ground. 马有蹄子保护它的脚,使它能安稳地跑过霜雪覆盖的地面。
The chip-clop of the horse's hooves faded away into the distance. 马蹄的嘚嘚声在远处逐渐消失。
Make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground. 带着声音向前移动,像马蹄敲打地面。
Cows and sheep have cloven hooves. 牛和羊都是有偶蹄的。
The devil is often represented with horns and cloven hooves. 魔鬼常被描述成带有角和偶蹄。
Its lower body is that of a ram, with sleek brown or golden fur and cloven hooves. 他的下半身类似公羊,有着棕色或金色的光滑毛皮和分趾蹄。
It is important to have limbs and hooves checked by a vet and farrier. 请兽医检查一下四肢和蹄子是很重要的。
Castle and camp were soon lost behind them, obscured by the dust of their hooves. 城堡和帐篷很快就被他们甩在身后,淹没在马蹄卷起的尘土中。
The material ( mostly keratin) that covers the horns of ungulates and forms hooves and claws and nails. 覆盖于有蹄动物角上及形成蹄、爪、指甲的材料(多为角蛋白)。
In a prolonged course the hooves, horns and hair may slough. 在病程长的病例中,蹄壳、角和被毛可能脱落。
Their hooves are small and extremely strong, with little or no feathering, and a sparse mane and tail, often with no forelock. 他们蹄小和极强,很少或没有羽化,和稀疏的鬃毛和尾巴,往往没有开口销。
Placental mammal having hooves with an even number of functional toes on each foot. 每只脚上有偶数个起作用脚趾的有胎盘的哺乳动物。
Sheba, did you remember to wash your hooves? 羊妹妹,你洗过蹄子了吗?
If you hear hooves, think horses not zebras. 如果听见蹄声就认为是马而非斑马。
In winter, aegagrus will dig food with hooves and share it with turkey. 在冬天,野山羊会用蹄子挖出食物,并与火鸡分享。
Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night. 在房子之外,软的隆隆声轮子和蹄夹子嗒嗒声整寂静的晚随声附和。
Most cows only have four hooves. 大多数奶牛都只有四只蹄子。
Hooves are small, round and extremely hard. 蹄小而圆,非常辛苦。
Placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot. 有蹄有胎盘的哺乳动物,每只脚上有奇数个脚趾。
The house's hooves left deep indentations in the mud. 马蹄在泥地里留下了深深的蹄印。
Foot-and-mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves, such as cattle, pigs, deer, goats and sheep. 口蹄疫可以传染到相近的一些蹄类动物,比如牛、猪、鹿、山羊和绵羊。
His goat-like lower body, however, had hooves and a long leonine tail. 然而,他那好像是山羊的下半身,有一双蹄子和一条长长的狮子尾巴。
The characteristic movement that an equine makes when given a vaccine or has his hooves trimmed. 马所做的一种特征性运动,当给它注射疫苗的时候或者给它修蹄的时候。
The horses 'hooves raised a cloud of dust. 马蹄扬起了一片尘土。