跳房子(儿童单足跳石子的游戏) a children's game played on a pattern of squares marked on the ground. Each child throws a stone into a square then hops (= jumps on one leg) and jumps along the empty squares to pick up the stone again.
He went and came, sang, played at hopscotch, scraped the gutters, stole a little, but, like cats and sparrows, gayly laughed when he was called a rogue, and got angry when called a thief. 他去去,来来,唱唱,作掷钱游戏,掏水沟,偶尔偷点小东西,不过只是和小猫小雀那样,偷着玩儿,人家叫他小淘气,他便笑,叫他流氓,便生气。
Kids'games such as kicking shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。
The children squared off the sidewalk to play hopscotch. 孩子们在人行道上划出方格,做“造房子”的游戏。
With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone. 他小心翼翼地踱过“跳房子”游戏的场地,上面还有遗忘下的跳石子儿。
After school, children are involved in many of the same activities that American children enjoy: reading, skateboarding, hopscotch, and playing ball. 放学后,孩子们喜欢玩的游戏和美国孩子的一样,比如看书、滑板、跳房子和打球。
For its ability to embrace the short format in such a well-balanced way& with fully thought out characters, concept, and style, we are pleased to present the Jury Prize to Hopscotch. 导演以短片的形式却拥有掌握绝妙平衡的能力,细腻的安排角色、创作概念及风格,我们乐于颁发这项奖给《跳格子》。
I ought to punch you in the nose, hopscotch. 小心我一拳打断你鼻子,小子。
A Hopscotch Scheme for Solving Diffusion-Convection Equation 求解扩散&对流方程的跳点格式
The Hopscotch method is employed in this paper to solve numerically the two-dimensional parabolic equation, hence a high efficiency scheme can be advanced for numerical forecasting of storm surges. 将跳点法的基本思想应用于求解二维水位抛物型方程,从而构造了一种用于风暴潮数值预报的高效率差分格式。
A note on the proof of hopscotch scheme convergence 关于跳点格式收敛性证明的注记