'What is the matter with Signora Anna?' he whispered, horror-struck at her vacant face. “安娜夫人怎么啦?”他惊恐万分地看着她那失神的脸小声问道。
He was horror-struck, horror-stricken to see a horrible scene. 他看到可怕情景,吓得发抖。
Nekhludoff thought all this, no longer listening to what was going on, and he was horror-struck by that which was being revealed to him. 聂赫留朵夫一心思考着这问题,已经不在听庭上的审问了。这些想法使他自己也感到害怕。
When our best efforts failed I was the most horror-struck of all. 在我们尽了最大的努力仍旧失败以后,我是最最吃惊的。