He's on the make everywhere and cultivates all the Chicago hotshots. 他现在正往上爬,到处结交芝加哥的名流。
It seems the vulnerability exists in the sequel of the hotshots game. 看来漏洞存在于游戏续集的能人。
Like many Hollywood hotshots, he led a theatrical private life fuelled by outlandish affairs. 他的一生像很多好莱坞巨星一样,极具戏剧性,充满各种各样稀奇古怪的事迹。
What is it with stars and their cars? After a cute toy boy or babe, a hot set of wheels seems to be the mandatory accessory for Hollywood hotshots. 明星和他们的车是怎样的呢?除了漂亮的身材和脸蛋之外,一台热辣的座驾似乎是好莱坞大腕们不可或缺的装备。
One of current research hotshots in isotope hydrology is to determine the relationship between river and groundwater by isotopic technique. 运用同位素技术确定河水与地下水的关系是当前研究的热点。
As a global environmental problem, desertification is one of the research hotshots all over the world. 荒漠化是全球性的环境问题,是当前国内外的研究热点之一。