Langley's unmanned plane was launched from the top of a houseboat floating on the Potomac River south of Washington. 兰利的无人驾驶飞机从漂浮在华盛顿以南波托马克河上的一座水上住宅的屋顶上起飞。
Again, the plane fell off the houseboat into the water. 飞机又一次从水上住宅上掉到河里。
Houseboat rentals are the attraction of every season in this area. 屋租金的吸引力,每个季节,在这方面的工作。
Home, that was my houseboat on the river meuse. 我的家,就是我在默兹河上的船。
I've always lived in a houseboat. 我一直住在船屋里。
Tom ( visiting Philip for the first time): I didn't know you lived in a houseboat. 汤姆(第一次走访菲利普):我原来不知道你住在船屋里。
He lives in a houseboat on the marina. 他住在港口那里的一艘船上。
If it's not in the houseboat, it's in the car. 不在游艇上,就在车里。
Philip: I've always lived in a houseboat. I was born in one. 菲利普:我一直住在船屋里。我出生在船上。
Eyes shining, he reminded me of an evening when all trainees ( nine men and me) had got terribly drunk and rolled back to a houseboat on the Thames where one of them was living. 他两眼发光,提起了从前的一个晚上:所有培训生(9个男人和我)都喝得酩酊大醉,去了泰晤士河上我们之中一个人居住的游艇。
More and more people want to live on a contemporary houseboat that has been designed for their specific needs. 越来越多的人想要居住在符合个人具体需求的充满现代感的船屋中。
Please ask us if you want to have any special facilities like Ayurvedic treatments or houseboat rides. 如果您要求的话,我们还可以提供药物治疗和划船等特殊的设备。
Donald lived in an old houseboat and wore his sailor jacket and hat. 唐老鸭住在旧船上,穿一件海员衣,戴一顶海员帽子。
From Simla to Kashmir and a houseboat on the lakes, with curry-scented curtains and a wind-up gramophone. 从西姆拉到喀什米尔,一路上我们看到了湖上的船屋,拥有咖喱香味的窗帘以及上发条的留声机。
Somebody had to plant those shoes on your houseboat. 有人把鞋放到了你的游艇上。
Houseboat owners also enjoy off-street, lock-up parking ( though Dubois says he plans to acquire a bike for local trips) and the services of a night security guard, all costing "a lot less than half" of the Chelsea apartment. 房艇的所有者还可以拥有一个街外上锁停车位(虽然迪布瓦说,他打算买辆自行车用于当地出行),并且晚上还有保安服务。而全部费用比切尔西公寓的一半价钱还要少得多。
You bought that old houseboat? Why? 你买下了那条老旧的房艇?为什么?
Houseboat and relevant industry had made the industry that a few cities encourage Zhejiang and promotes. 游艇及相关产业已经成为浙江一些城市鼓励和促进的产业。
The word houseboat is a compound. 单词houseboat是一个合成词。