Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets 家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。
In Japan 99 per cent of all households now have a colour television set. 现在,日本99%的家庭都拥有彩色电视机。
Just 26 per cent of households are married couples with dependent children. 只有26%的家庭是有孩子要扶养的已婚夫妇。
Many households have dispensed with their old-fashioned vinyl turntable. 很多家庭都将老式的黑胶唱机束之高阁了。
Many poor households are experiencing real hardship. 很多贫穷家庭正经历严重的困难。
The Government has already mailed some 18 million households with details of the public offer. 政府已经向大约1,800万个家庭寄发了公开出售的详细说明。
Only a third of these households thought it reasonable to meter water 这些家庭当中只有三分之一认为用水表计量是合理的。
13 percent of American households qualify as poor, says Mr. Mishel 米歇尔先生说,13%的美国家庭符合贫困家庭的标准。
How many households in the compound? 院内有几家住户?
There are thirty households in the village. 全村共三十户。
There are three households in the compound. 院内有三家住户。
Only a minority of British households do 〔 does 〕 not have a car. 英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。
Instead of making households pay, she wants to capture the inherent economic value of waste itself, and use the profits to help pay for sanitation. 她想与其让每个家庭出钱,还不如抓住废物本身固有的经济价值,然后用这个利益去帮助卫生事业运转。
A large proportion of the peasant households round here own TV sets. 这一带相当大一部分农民家庭拥有电视机。
So unlike its government, Italy's households and many private businesses have relatively low debt. 因此,和政府不同,意大利家庭和许多私营企业的债务都相对较低。
This has led to increased inflation and rising unemployment, compounding the problems of low income households. 这导致了通货膨胀的上升和失业的增加,进一步增加了低收入家庭面临的问题。
Relocated households and farmer workers! 拆迁户和农民工!
However, the split in asset ownership between the government and households is even more damaging to consumption growth. 然而,政府和家庭之间资产所有权的分离,对消费增长的损害甚至更大。
These rates underlie borrowing rates for households and businesses. 这些利率是家庭和企业借贷利率的基础。
Specialized households and villages headed by women have emerged everywhere. 各地都出现了一批以妇女为主的专业户、专业村。
Instead, we saw a housing and credit market collapse that caused enormous losses among households and banks. 相反,我们看到,住房和信贷市场崩溃,导致家庭和银行蒙受巨大损失。
American businesses and households are now net savers. 美国企业和家庭如今成了净储蓄者。
The Program improved access to water and electricity to rural households. 本规划加大了对农村家庭的供水和供电力度。
In the process, income was transferred from households to industry. 在此过程中,收入从家庭转移到了企业。
Higher energy prices, and their impacts on goods and services, have reduced real incomes of low-income households. 能源价格上涨,以及他们对商品和服务的影响,减少了低收入家庭的实际收入。
And39% of all households own at least one dog and34% households own atleast a cat. 和39%的家庭拥有至少一狗和34%的家庭拥有至少一只猫。