But, Young says, when one worker is greeted with a polite how-do-you-do while the guy next door gets a playful pretend-punch, it's clear in an instant who is in the inner circle and who isn't. 但是史蒂芬杨说,当一位工作者是以礼貌的问候被接见,隔壁的工作者则是不被当作一回事看来,立即就能明显得知谁较受重用。
It is in need of a new kind of technology to break away from the how-do-you-do. The Streaming Media and its application in Modern Distance Multimedia Instruction has turned into a prominent topic. 因此流媒体技术在现代远程多媒体教学中应用模式的研究与实现已成为现代远程教育研究的主要课题之一。